Embarrassing moments

urchin the one with your mum and the shopping..............
hahaha that made me laugh out loud that is tooo funny. bet she was gutted spending all her money on sum one else hahahahaha
even my partner is in the other room askin what im laughing at.....

imagin that persons face when they got home ild be so confused!!!!!!!

i no im going to lay in bed tonight and laugh about that
Charlie, my Dad keeps walking into the house without knocking too and always seems to come in when OH and I are getting it on! The last time we had just finished and the door opened. Since he always either calls in or phones just as we are going to bed, we had said before we began this time - "what are the odds that Dad will come in?" And he did, so we had a major fit of the giggles upstairs while I jumped out of bed and threw on a dressing gown while Dad was downstairs calling..."Sue? Hello?" When he saw me in the dressing gown he was MORTIFIED...and I was unkind enough to tell him that we had just finished, and it wasn't the first time he'd interrupted either! He knocks now.

But my embarrassing story - a friend of mine and I were on teaching practice, and it was our last day, so we gave the kids a treat - rice krispie buns. When we got back to campus that evening, my friend turned around to say something and I said, "you've still got a rice krispie stuck to your lip, did you know that?" She gave me a look that withered me on the spot, and said, "Sue, that's a coldsore!" OH MY GOD I was so embarrassed. :oops:

Then years later I rang into a local radio station to tell the story of your most embarrassing moment, thinking that nobody who knew the friend would hear...I got loads of texts from that friend afterwards saying "i heard you on the radio!" :oops:

There was also the time my bro, his g/f and I were sunbathing in France. I had gone topless for the first time on that holiday and it was really unusual for me to see quite elderly women sunbathing completely starkers on the beach. A whole family were going completely naked next to where we were lying. My brother was lying quite close to the mother of the family when he looked up and then suddenly jumped up like a scalded cat. His g/f asked what was wrong and he blurted out , "You could park a bike in there!" The mother from the nudist family glared at him, got up and walked away! :shock:
He had just looked up from where he was lying and had been treated to a full view of her bits (or "beautiful Venice" as a colleague of mine calls it).

It was a full fifteen minutes before we stopped laughing!

I've got loads but one of the most recent ones was when i was admitted to hospital beforw Abi was born, cos shw was early when i first went in rhey strapped me to a monitor to check her heart rate, i was told to undress from the waist down as the dr would need to do an internal, a while later the dr came in and asked me some questions then said i need to go and discuss whats happening with a colleague so i thought she would be gone a while and was in need of a fart :oops: so i decided to let it out as i did the dr came back and said right i need to do that internal now and continued to lift the sheet that was covering me :oops: i was devastated and looked at my OH who wa there peeing himself lmao.
sorry manda i am now crying with laughter at that one!! no dignity with child birth!! :clap: :oops: :D

i can't think of any thing at the mo - tho i did walk into the patio doors this am :oops: saw that hubbys cover had come off the motor bike so i went to walk out to the conservatory and walked straight in to the window :doh: :oops:
A few years ago, we went bowling.... hubby, me and kids. It was a busy Saturday, with lots of folk waiting for their turn to get a lane.
Everything was goin just great, but unfortunately, my competitive side started to show as I panicked that DH might beat me.... he will just go on and on and on....... and on about winning. I had to get my strenght together and give it my all!!! I choose the perfect ball, focussed and swung my arm furiously forward........ sadly, not only did the ball head down the lane, but me too.... still firmly attached.... fingers well and truly locked in the balls' holes. :oops: :oops: :shock: :shock: OMG I heard someone shout... I was halfway down the friggin lane, arse in the air.... DH beetroot red in his face. I picked myself, sooooooo embarrased.... that was the last time I went Bowling.... only compensation was that I did beat DH!!!! NEVER AGAIN!!!!
emilia xx
Oh theses are brill, I've been wetting myself!

One of my fave stories is one my Mum told me about my Dad when they were on their honeymoon. My Dad decided to do a bit of sea fishing off a bridge. Anyway quite a crowd accumalted to watch and one little boy was particularly vocal and interested. My Dad hooked the bait, sorted the weights and whatever else you do when preparing a line. He then got everyone to stand back while he threw the line in but threw the whole rod in instead and ended up empty handed. I bet the crowd soon left then!

My brother has loads of embarrassing stories too. One day a car kept reversing in and out of a drive while a little old lady with a stick stood by. My brother stopped on the drive put his hand up to the driver to stop and said to the little old lady don't worry lets get you accross. She looked a bit bewildered and crossed over with her arm in my brothers only for the car to pull out and she gets in the car!
hels said:
Urchin...enough!! Im killing myself laughing!! Your mum sounds hillarious!!! LOL...got any more????

I just remembered my FAVORITE one... how could I forget?! (my mom would kill me if she knew I was listing all her most embarrasing moments!)

Right, this one is from years ago. She was driving to my nans, and you had to drive past an insane asylum (can't think of a better word but you know the kind of place I mean.)
Anyway, right outside the place she had to stop at a red light, and it always made her nervous anyway...but this time as she stopped suddenly from nowhere a guy at the back of the car was shouting and banging on the roof and screaming at her. She locked the doors and nervously waited for the lights to change before speeding away.
She looked in her rear view mirrow to make sure he wasn't running after her, and instead she saw him hopping around in the road clutching his foot. He wasn't insane at all she had parked on his foot!!!!
Urchin, I have just laughed so loud everyone in the office is staring at me!!!! :lol: :lol:
My eyes are watering urchin my oh is in the other room he must think im having a bloody heart attack...nearly as funny as when my mom went the wrong way on a dual carriageway and when she realised all the cars were coming at her proceeded to drive onto the pavement and over a grass embankment..this poor man walking across it nearly pooped himself..thought he was safe on the sidewalk lmao! we couldnt stop laughing all the way home :D
Yvonne said:
With the name shouting, i was remembering to tell him after his brother rang, so it was his brothers name i shouted! His brothers gay so he believed me when i said i didn't mean to shout it!!

I'm laughing soooo much at that!

L x
my first time was so embarrasing. it was with my brothers friend, we had been secretly seeing each other for about 8 months and we all went out one night. There was just me and my brother in the house (mum was away) So when his mate came back to ours as well we thought we could give it ago. It was romantic (him being older had got a bit more experience) candels and celine dion what more could a girl ask for hey. so as we were wel you know and my brother came down stairs (i had a metal bed so we thought it would be quieter down stairs) and yelled at me for having the music on to loud then noticed us white faced and paralised with shock and ran back ustairs yelling something about me having a room to go to. I never saw that guy again!!! :think:

I have also had the parent in the room my ex boyfriends dad i think he was a bit pervy coz he never knocked just use to come in and chat while i would be scrambling under the duvet trying to keep covered up, even when we started saying if there is a towel on the handel door dont come in he still came in :roll:

I've told a boyfrind that i was ready he told me he had already started :wall: (it wasnt my fault he was really really small nice guy tho) i couldnt recover from that

I have loads of embarrasing moments i havent been caught for many years now thank god its very traumatiseing.
i have also done my shopping list in my head while with someone and shouted crap i forgot the meat, luckily enough he saw the funny side after a while he understood i was destracted.

Anyway i think thats enough embarrasing moments to be getting on with
urcin i love your stories keep them coming please lmao :lol: :lol: :lol:
Cant believe i'm telling you this one feel so blonde oh hang on a minute i am blonde lol

back a few years ago me and mum were doing weight watchers and i'd had a cadburys cream egg, i was looking for the points value in WW book but couldn't find it so asked my dad "who makes cadburys cream egg?" as soon as i said it i realised what i'd said my mum and dad Pi@@ed themselves and have never let me forget it lol.
God thanks urchin how thick am i remember reading this topic. :wall:
Flossy82 said:
God thanks urchin how thick am i remember reading this topic. :wall:

Awwww it's got lost right down the pages anyway, It's good to bump it so new people can read how dumb my mom can be :lol:

Add your story to this, then it'll be saved for eternity :)
Well one that springs to mind for me was when i was out once in town or wherever i was i was looking around the shops when i suddenley saw the back of who i thought was my o/h so me being me thought that id go up and give his arse a quick grab for me then only to realise that it actually wasnt my o/h at all and right there and then i was ready for the ground to swallow me up

I have many more besides but i think of that the most!!!

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