Embarrassing moments

:rotfl: :rotfl: this thread has had me in absolute stitches...hehe

i'm always embarrasing myself i've got too many stories i could put on here!
last yr me and oh went to my aunties wedding in bristol we stayed in a b&b with my mum n dad + my uncle and grandad. at the wedding we got quite drunk and back at the b&b got a bit frisky and i think we were a bit rampant.. we even broke the bed..it just collapsed! we were wetting ourselves we sort of fixed the bed and then went to sleep but the next day at breakfast my uncle made a comment about it being so quiet you could hear a pin drop in the b&b..i was mortified to realise my family must have heard us going at it....CRINGE!!!
as if that werent bad enough later when we were packing to leave me and oh set the smoke alarm off in our room by leaving the kettle on (it was one that doesnt turn itself off) i heard the alarm opened the door and all the guests including my family were in the corridor staring at me as smoke poured outta my room...hehehe
On our last holiday before getting pregnant me and Carl went to Salou for a week.

It was halfway through the week and we went out at 9am to have a good session. I'm usually very good at handleing my drink but today the heat must've got to me. I remember having 5 jugs of sangria 2 pints and several bottles of blue wkd, then my mind goes blank.

The next morning I woke up with a massive black eye and the worst hangover I've ever had!!!

OH wasn't talking to me at first so it took me several hours to get back on speaking terms with him so he could tell me what had happened to me.

Sorry its a bit long.

After I can remember me and Carl had went to a magic show. There we got a meal and as much free sangria and san miguel that we could manage. I actually ran out of sangria! :shock:

The show started and the magician asked for a volunteer to pull a big steel nail out of his nose. Of course I was straight up but instead of pulling it out I tried to push it right up to see if it was real :doh: The magician had to tell me to sit down.

Halfway through his next trick I was in floods of tears after being told off and no one could hear him talking. I had to be removed by security :oops:

Luckily, as I cant remember it, Carl has it all on camcorder :cheer: :think: :doh: :oops:

We think I got my black eye from falling over in the bathroom that night as the shower curtain had been ripped off the ceiling. Was straight out the next morning to buy super coverage foundation!!!

The next night in a different part of town Carl was quite drunk. We were sitting in a bar which had seats on a balcony thingie with a dance floor about 10ft below. Obviously Carl fell off the balcony as he went to get some drinks :doh: (he was alright though, just a bit bruised embarrassed :D )
Well I had an embarassing moment a few nights ago.

My bathroom is downstairs and if you shut the door it gets really steamed up in there so I'd left it open. I only live in a small 2 bed terrace and the door to the bathroom is right opposite the front door (if the front room door is open). I was stood up showering and washing my hair, opened my eyes and found myself looking at the bloke opposite sat in his lounge!! :oops: DH had only gone and taken something out to the bin and left the front door open whilst he did it!!!!! The bloke got a RIGHT eyeful of everything!! :oops: :oops:
Kina said:
Well I had an embarassing moment a few nights ago.

My bathroom is downstairs and if you shut the door it gets really steamed up in there so I'd left it open. I only live in a small 2 bed terrace and the door to the bathroom is right opposite the front door (if the front room door is open). I was stood up showering and washing my hair, opened my eyes and found myself looking at the bloke opposite sat in his lounge!! :oops: DH had only gone and taken something out to the bin and left the front door open whilst he did it!!!!! The bloke got a RIGHT eyeful of everything!! :oops: :oops:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I love this thread!

Hearts I'm shocked at you too!
ooh i can picture that...think i can just about beat it...years ago i lived in a flat opposite an indian restaurant well i bought some of that stuff you put on your window to stop people seeing in well,when i put it up i thought ooh how strange i cant see out,it said on the pack that you can see out but people cant see in........well my shower was bang in front of the 8 ft high victorian windows,I think you have guessed by now.

Well one night I had a shower went through my whole friday night regime,shave legs,bikini,you know all the stuff you dont get time for in the week,dried myself etc etc...sat down in my dressing gown and had some toast in front of the t.v.

The phone went,it was my friend Stu he said "You alright Bex?"

me: "Yes great thanks why?"

"Well just thought I had best tell you me and my mates have been watching you for half an hour in the shower,we are having an indian"

The phone dropped to the floor........... :oops: .

The worst of it is I had lived there a year by this time,good job I had good body then, :)
:rotfl: :rotfl:

OMG what a nightmare!!!!!

I bet it became the most popular curry house in town LOL!
Have said that Madrid is in Italy before now! Infront of a group of friends "Dad's so lucky he's in Italy" Friend - "whereabouts?" Me - "Madrid"
Have never lived that one down!! :oops:

Oh and the classic "Hayley Moment" (that gets brought up everyday nearly!)
We were all sat in Weatherspoons on a bank holiday having a few drinks, Someone got me a blue WKD... and a glass with ice in it... and i sat there and sucked the ice cubes until they were small enough to fit into the bottle.... And everyone was sat in a drunkern haze watching me do it... until Allison said "why don't you just pour your drink into the glass"
Now everytime i have a bottle of blue WKD someone says "you want ice in that" :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

And falling over on my Hen Night with my burger in hand.... ending up on one knee, with my burger held up in the air... and being pointed and laughed at!! (Was just glad i was wearing an ankle length dress for the wedding my legs were cut to shreds!!)

Theres more, but my brain just isn't working!!!!

Woo Hoo It worked!!!

Had that saved as a word doc since last night!!!

:cheer: :cheer:
hayley the burger 1 is an automatic reaction i think , i remember many falls with something in my hand and the sumthing always being unscathed n me worse for wear!!! is like wen u drop summit n go 2 cath it.. which i once did with a cactus.. then a few days later a knife!!! resulting in a trip to a+e and 4 stitches!!
i went on this date once when i was about 17 and i was really nervous so i dragged my friend for a drink first in the pub round the corner from where i was meeting him..."a drink" turned out to be a bottle of wine...so anyway i met him and he suggested going for a drink, so we went to another pub and i he bought me a bottle of wine i thought he'd share but he was drinking beer! i was still really nervous so i was drinking fast..i was getting quite sozzled and he kept making me taste these shots...hehe i was smashed an hour into our date..i tried to get up to go toilet and nearly fell over, i got the giggles and couldnt stop laughing or explain why i was laughing then i tried to close the window for like 2 mins i was struggling till he pointed out that i was trying to move a solid wood partition..not a window..we walked to another pub and i walked into a tree and fell down the pavement (i was wearing heels) in the end i had to tell him how pissed i was and why coz i was embarrasing myself more and more!

he found it funny though!
lol yvanne... think you're right with the natural reaction thing!!

Think the more embarrassing bit was Graham coming down to meet me and finding me sat in the bus stop (still with burger in hand) mascara down my face, tears everywhere, blood all down my legs, shoes kicked off into the road... singing "i'm getting married in the morning"

Poor Graham took one look at me and said "and i want to marry you....why???"

He just sat next to me with his arm around me and let me get it all out of my system - i would've slept there that night!!!

They're talking about embarassing moments on the radio and it's made me go back and look at this thread again. :rotfl:

I thought some of our newbies might have some to add.

Thanks Urchin just been reading through some of these and now have coffee nose! :rotfl:

Ok heres my most embarassing moments.

A friend of mine drove down from Scotland to visit his family near me in Kent and we met up for a drink in my local, a loud and busy biker type pub. The duke box was on quite loud and it was a loud night, so of course we were talking loudly, discussing what we hated about things other drivers done on the motorways that really annoyed us. Just as one track ended, in that quiet few seconds, I said in still a VERY loud voice "I hate it when they come right up your arse!"

Yes everyone heard and a few heads turned lol

Quite a few years ago when I was silly and knew nothing about football, I was at my local clubs bar watching some big game or other with my then boyfriend and all his rowdy mates. After half time when they were about to kick off again, the conversation (heard by most) went something like this:

me: I hate it when they do that!
ex: Do what?
me: start filming from the other side of the pitch after half time, its confusing!
ex: rolling on floor crying with laughter at my stupidity!

oh theres a few more but I'll save them for now, mostly invlove me saying really stupid things lol
I dont know why i never added mine before! I've got plenty lol

My worst was probably my first driving test. I failed spectacularly!

I was driving along on a road where there were cars parked down both sides making the road fairly narrow. Anyway a bloke in one of the parked cars opened his door obviously without looking first just as i was driving past his car. I took the door clean off!!! Then when the examiner did an emergency stop i turned and shouted at him "Hey i was about to do that!"
I don't have too many embarassing stories thankfully, but this one springs to mind....

A few years back me and DH went to the cinema to watch Lord Of The Rings 3 and i'm such a softy, i started crying my eyes out at the end.
DH turned to give me a look, which made me do the biggest, loudest snort so then i was laughing and crying.

A few people did look around, thankgod it was dark! :oops:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

ive just sat here and read them ALL

and OMG you have had me in stitches.

OH thinks im mad :lol:

if i ever calm down enough to be able to think ill try and post one

thank you all for making my night :D

ETa can we make this a sticky???? :lol:

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