Embarrassing moments

i was in a diy shop once with my folks and started going on about durex paint! I meant dulux!

a family friend was once in a diy shop and asked the assistant where the dildo rails were! she meant dado!!!!
When DH and I were living with his parents they went out one night to the social club. His bedroom door was open, but the house was empty, so we got down to some VERY noisy nookie. DH was particularly vocal :oops: We'd just finished when there came a shout from downstairs 'we're off now'. OMG I could die just remembering it!!

I just sold my pram through the paper. The lady that bought it told Matt that she was on her maternity leave. So when she arrived I uttered the immortal line 'when are you due?' Yup, you guessed it, bub was 6 weeks old :oops: :oops:
lol love this thread!

I remember when I was at high school reading out from a book to the class in biology, and can you guess what I said instead of organism!yes, orgasm! lol

and another, not that I can remember, but it always gets brought up, was when I was little and mum n dad were shopping for a new bathroom suite, they turned around to find me sat on a display tiolet having a wee :oops:
I was sharing a cup of tea with mum in my living room, when Brian my cat came in growling with something in his mouth.

My mum said 'what's that?', grabbed hold of him and pulled a well-chewed used condom from his mouth! :oops:

We're normally really careful to get rid of them straight away as my kitty has a latex fixation, but OH had lazily chucked it by the bed in the afterglow of passion!

I don't know who was more embarrassed, me sat there with a red face, or my mum calmly getting up and putting it in the bin, then washing her hands! :oops:

Poor, Brian though, he's really missing his rubber friends at the moment! :wink:
LittleMinx said:
I was sharing a cup of tea with mum in my living room, when Brian my cat came in growling with something in his mouth.

My mum said 'what's that?', grabbed hold of him and pulled a well-chewed used condom from his mouth! :oops:

We're normally really careful to get rid of them straight away as my kitty has a latex fixation, but OH had lazily chucked it by the bed in the afterglow of passion!

I don't know who was more embarrassed, me sat there with a red face, or my mum calmly getting up and putting it in the bin, then washing her hands! :oops:

Poor, Brian though, he's really missing his rubber friends at the moment! :wink:

Oh that is great. Bloomin pets hey, I remember we had some builders round our old house, one of which was very cute and I took quite a shine to him. We were chatting away when I noticed the dog going mad in the garden throwing something in the air and catching it. He had only gotten a pair of my tights from the wash bin and he was proudly showing them off. What made it worse was the fact that they had my pants in as well :oops:
Beanie you dont know how much I am laughing at that! 6.00 this morning I turned on my PC whilst waiting for Heidis milk to warm up and I read that and I was in stitches!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

L x
Not an embarressing moment as such, but my mum never fails to embarress me when she tells people

My first day at primary school we did some colouring in. At home time, I went running up to mum shouting at the top of my voice -
'I know the difference between boys and girls'.
My mum didn't know what to think, but she asked me what the difference was.
'Boys have balls'.
She wanted the ground to open up.
'What do girls have?',
'skipping ropes'.
We'd been colouring in a picture of a boy playing football and a girl skipping.
i was in a bar thinking i was great eyeing a drop dead georgous lad up he came over and started chatting to me was going great then i went into my hand bag pulled out my lip gloss put it on he looked at me in such shock :shock:
i though "whats that taste" then i realisd straight away what i had done......
he pissed him self laughing,
i had put my mascara on my lips :cry: :oops:
:lol: pmsl..

on night i was out clubbing with my mates and i was canny drunk.. i went into the loo,s when i came back out i walked to the mirrow putting sum lipgloss on and this lass cums up to me and say ..er love pull ya dress down we can see everythink :oops: i felt crap and ran out the loo,s
they was all laughing ,even my friends felt crap..ha ha never went out again for a long while.....
OH reminded me the other day about when i set the kitchen on fire a few years ago :oops:

He went out on a dog walk while i started to make tea. I was making savoury rice so i filled the kettle up and put it on to boil, then i phoned my friend. After about 20 mins i finished on phone and went into kitchen to put rice on. When i walked in it was full of smoke and there was flames all over the cooker :shock: (Stupid me had put the kettle on the gas hob for some reason). I tried chucking wet towels over it but it wouldn't go out. So i phoned my mate to see where i was going wrong (was too embarrassed to phone firebrigade) and she told me to keep chucking towels over it. Eventually it went out- phew!

It was such a shan opening the front door to let a heap of black smoke pour out :oops: I have one less hob now as the round bits on the top melted into my kettle and stuck there.
bagpuss said:
and said"oh,it's Lizzy's slober cloth" - they were,in fact my dirty knickers.

That one had me rolled up!

My story is about my mum. We were at a christening and my mum was walking up the aisle behind the vicar. She tripped up on something and instinctively put her hands out to stop her. Unfortunately, she had put her hands on the viars waist to stop her falling but he had his robes on and had little slits in the sides of his white robe and as she fell, her hands went through the slits and into his trouser pockets! I dont know who was more shocked but I still laugh about it now - my mum doesnt though!
Just before I got with my dh I had got a new puppy. My dh came round to our house to go play pool with my brother another guy was with him as well. I was sat playing on the laptop when my puppy comes running down the stairs with my bright blue bra in his mouth! He looked so pleased with himself and I nearly died! My now dh thought it was well funny and even text me before we got together saying "nice bra, like to see it on you sometime" :oops:
Great topic.
This happened a while back my mum had a smear, she'd got bathed an that an just before she was leaving she decided to give her bits a spray of deodrant out my room, anyway she went off, came home. later that day she said 'oh i borrowed ur deodrant hope u dont mind?' i said 'ive run out of deodrant so u cant off', anyway it turns out it was my glitter spray, it was the craze in them days lol, the nurse must have thought she'd made her bits all pretty for the smear :lol:
lol sophie thats so funny good job it wasnt coloured hair stuff that was also the rage then it would have looked like she'd dyed them!!!
sophie said:
Great topic.
This happened a while back my mum had a smear, she'd got bathed an that an just before she was leaving she decided to give her bits a spray of deodrant out my room, anyway she went off, came home. later that day she said 'oh i borrowed ur deodrant hope u dont mind?' i said 'ive run out of deodrant so u cant off', anyway it turns out it was my glitter spray, it was the craze in them days lol, the nurse must have thought she'd made her bits all pretty for the smear :lol:

HAHA that's soooo funny :lol:
Haa theres some great stories there!!!
I'[ll have a think, sure i've got a few!! :oops:


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