EllieBump didnt make it *Pictures of our Little Darling*


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2007
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After an emergency c-section after babys heart rate dropped the doctors did all they could to save baby. But baby wasn't strong enough and didn't make it.

Turns out Ellie wasn't a girl, but infact a boy. Suprise.

We have called him Casey Ian John Bradley. He weighed in at 780 grams which is around a pound and a half. He has lots of dark brown hair like his dad. He is a real cutie.

Everyone is lovely. Thanks for all your messages.

JP, Andrea & Casey


I would like to thank everyone for your lovely messages. Was hard to read them at times but is nice to know so many people care

The doctors tried to do the standard lower incision but because the lower segment of the uterus hadn't developed they had to do a higher incision on the uterus.

We have took a lot of pictures, here is just 2 we picked out. I don't think the pictures show how tiny or cute he actually is.

The staff have been wonderful. Doctors coming out of there way to say hello and that they are sorry about Casey. The midwifes can't do enough to help. They have let me stay with Andrea and Casey.

Everyone says how much he looks like me which is really nice. I gave him a bath today too. His skin is lovely and soft, not leathery as we expected. Oh and that baby smell is just lovely.

He has had lots of visitors. Andrea's mum, the kids, her sister and partner and my brother have all been to see him. Eveyone says he is so cute. And I agree !

Update 2.......

We had to spend our first night without Casey last night as he had to be taken downstairs. We are waiting for the midwife to bring him up to see us at the moment.
We have decided that we will go home today. Although the family room is lovely, its just not home. We will come back to see Casey as often as we can.

On behalf of all of us I would like to thank you all for your kind words, thoughts & prayers. Was hard to read at times, but I'm glad we did.

Thankyou for the pm's, we shall reply to them when we get home.

Again thank you all



Thanks to Happy Chick and Urchin we have now been able to repost pictures of our darling little boy :hug:


I really dont know what to say, im so sorry.

My heart goes out to you both :hug: :hug:
I'm so, so sorry. I can't imagine how you are all feeling now but you are in my thoughts. So sorry. Lucyx :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm so sorry for your devastating news.Sending you all loads of love and prayers :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Dear JP and Andrea,

Thank you so much for posting and thinking to let us know at what must be a devastating time for you both. I am so choked to hear this it is the last thing I expected. I really thought Casey would make it, I'm so, so sorry!!

Thinking of you an praying for little Casey.

Becs :cry:

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
oh no, i was hoping to log on to some news but not this. :( My thoughts are with you. Your lo was a fighter. Take care.x
I'm so sorry to hear. Thinking of you all and sending lots of these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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