Just seen this and wanted to say thank you

Thursday was just as we had planned it... Daddy drove Casey and I to the Crem and I carried Casey into the Chapel and we both held him throughout the service before placing him in his little coffin at the end.
Casey came home to us the night before, so we got to spend our last night with him which was lovely. He sat on my lap whilst I made special cards for everyone who attended the funeral. The cards had a photo of Casey on the front and a poem which I wrote on the inside, together with a little hand and footprint which we did when he came home. Everyone loved their little keepsake of him :hug
Just wanted to say thank you

Thursday was just as we had planned it... Daddy drove Casey and I to the Crem and I carried Casey into the Chapel and we both held him throughout the service before placing him in his little coffin at the end.
Casey came home to us the night before, so we got to spend our last night with him which was lovely. He sat on my lap whilst I made special cards for everyone who attended the funeral. The cards had a photo of Casey on the front and a poem which I wrote on the inside, together with a little hand and footprint which we did when he came home. Everyone loved their little keepsake of him :hug
Just wanted to say thank you