Dunno quite what to do - should I stop ttc? Smear nxt year ?


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2007
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I suddenly remembered I am due a smear test in a year - now b4 ye all think I am mad, I thought if I don't fall preggers in the next couple of months I will go over due my smear next yr. Now being an anxious person that is not good, but I am desperate to ttc and I am OV in about 3/4 days.

Should I stop until I have my smear back and get it done now. Will they even do it early anyway - it has never come up for me b4

i dont think you need to. i think they are guildlines on when you are meant to have a smear, not that you HAVE to have it done ever 5 years or whatever it is.

if you are worried then speak to your dr about it, but i would think that waiting a few months longer as your pregnant would be no issue.

def speak to the dr though :)
I'm sure if you explained to your GP that you're TTC and would like to have your smear done early, they would have no problem with it - that's probably what I'd do in your position if I was anxious about it :hug:
i was actually thinking about this a few days ago. you're supposed to have one after having a baby and i still haven't went after aiden :oops: everytime i had the appointment arranged, i would get AF :lol:

i don't know what to do now either.

if i were you, i would ask the dr to do it now :) i'm sure they wouldn't mind.
yes i desperatly need to make an appointment to have my FIRST smear
I am seeing the Dr next monday with my daughter so I think I will ask him.

Would you still ttc even while you were waiting for the results or would you leave it until you knew everything was OK? I am about to OV so I don't want to miss this month, but would hate to stop next month arrrhhhh what to do!!

Thanks Ladies
Ooo you must go - I didn't have my first one until really late (due to anxiety issues) and I went through hell waiting for the results - luckily no problem - but good idea to get it done ASAP
hi ladies, I thought i would just quickly add my thought on this one..i was 18 when I had my first smear done, i had cat 3 cervical erosion and would have been in big trouble by my mid twenties( if not 6 ft under) had i not gone to my dr when I did. Never put off getting a smear done, its not nice I know but your dr or nurse has been and seen it all before!!
I had the same thought few days ago and was planning to tell my GP about it next week when i visit. I can't remember the last time i had mine, probably 2 and half years ago so next one should be due sometimes this year but i'll ask if i can have it earlier because of ttc.

Good luck :hug:
Don't worry I am not going to put it off, just whether I can have it early. I am sorry to hear that you had that. It must have been really scary. I hope you are all OK now :hug: :hug:

Waterlilie will you stop ttc while you wait for the result or do you think you will carry on. I think I may stop, get it done and if all OK carry on.

If I don't get preggers in that 3 yrs after then I will give up anyway :lol: :lol:
well i'm not stopping this month for sure. I'm seeing my GP next wednesday and plan to ask her but since we are bding this week i might ovulate before :? i know you're supposed to have it done during the first part of your cycle and not during the 2 ww as they might harm the embryo if you're pregnant. Also if you are, pregnancy hormones change the cervix cells and can make them appear abnormal so it looks like it's too late for me this month. I'll let you know what dr thinks next week.
I am OV before I see the doc as well. I am CD10 today and reckon I am due to ov Sat!! Our cycles are pretty much in sync at the mo. It would be just too hard to stop this month wouldn't it :lol: :lol:
I've been having smears every year since i was 17. I was due one in October, but when i booked it for AF turned up, both times.
I was going to ring up at the beginning of december and re-book but my chart was looking promising so i never did.
I'd definately ask if they'll do it early for you just so you know you've done it just incase.
I think in light of Jade Goody I will have my smear early and stop ttc - I don't want to take any chances and for the sake of a few months I'd rather not have the worry. Having seen my Mum die of cancer it really ain't worth it. I have my little girl now think of too. When I know all is OK I have 3 yrs and I can relax without anything on my mind.

My thoughts are with her - no one deserves what she has got.
You can still have a smear when your PG. I did with Jordan. In fact my nurse said years ago that it was common place for ALL pregnant women to have a smear. Don't think theres any need to stop TTC until you've had one.
i know in america for insurance purposes etc they have smear's done when they go to their booking in appointment when they are first pregnant.

yep i know i need to have mine done. i asked time and time again if i could have it done after i had my first, but the said that i dont need it until im 25. i was 25 just after amelia was born, then they wouldnt do it until she was over 12 weeks old because of the changes pregnancy might cause.

anyway, yes, i will phone and make an appointment today :)
Sarah you're right to be cautious and not take any chances. I'm in the same situation with my mum's cancer especially as she had to have a hysterectomy the first time she was diagnosed because the tumour was first located in her pelvis.

I'm on CD11 so yes our cycles are in sync, we'll keep each other updated :D

Skairdykat that's good to know that pregnant women can still have a test. I think there is a high risk of miscarriage during the first months but it should be fine to have it done after the first tri.
Its interesting, I was overdue for a smear when I was preggers with Nicola and they said no way not while I was pregnant, they wouldn't do it until 12 weeks after she was born either :wall: :wall:

My otherhalf has a doc appt Friday and me and Nicola (DD) have one Monday so we are gonna swap, so I can ask. If he says they won't do it early or I can still TTC then hopefully I won't miss my eggie - I got my +ve CD13 last month and Friday will be CD13 so fingers crossed I won't miss it if I get the OK :D

I think that is so wrong they don't do a smear until you are 25 - as Hondagirl said she had problems at 18. :shakehead: :shakehead: NHS cutbacks everywhere
How is your Mum at the moment? I hope she is still positive :hug: :hug:
She's not bad hun thanks but the chemo is so hard on her, the side effects are a nightmare and she is constantly tired. But she knows it's temporary and that once she finishes the treatment things will go back to normal. We're just hoping and praying it will work and she gets rid of that evil disease.


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