all ttc

Do you normally get cramps this early, a week before AF? I only normally get them a couple of days before. This could be a good sign...
no hun dont normally get them till at the earliest the day b4 af but have had a lot of cramping all the way through this cycle since 4 days after o, but today just seems different unless its me just trying to protect myself by warning myself that af is on way i suppose if your expecting it then its not so upsetting when it comes who knows at least its not long now before we both know one way or the other, i think the waiting is harder than anything its the not knowing :(
That does sound a bit more positive as this month seems different to the rest. I think I'm sending myself mad. Every little thing that is even slightly different to normal is a sign!!!! Aaarggh!
im so glad im not the only one hun think im going to test on monday morning and risk the bfn im going mad with the waiting at least ive got my sister getting married 2moro so that should take my mind off it for 1 day at least :D
Fingers crossed for everyone ttc.
I'm not due till 8Sept. this will be my third month to try.
Doing it every couple of days & praying& hoping for best.
Stopped using KY thought this might be a bit of barrier to sperm does anyone know if this makes a diff?
hi lorrie not sure about the ky hun me and oh been bd every day since day 5 am exhausted now just hope this month will be worth it this is my 3rd proper month of trying too so best of luck to us all xxxxxxxxxx

Good luck to any one trying this month. I'm trying to think positive. Hoping that the positive attitude helps. I even went out my way the other day to give an old man some change for a charity he was collecting for. I was hoping someone might be looking down on me and think i deserve a BFP this month... mad I know!

But i think it's totally normal to have doubts.. when i'm feeling positive i'm on such a high. It only takes me to read something and then i'm worried sick that i didn't BD enough, or i haven't got enough CM, or that i'm just infertile.. then i go off in floods of tears worried sick that i'm gonna get a BFN. Some times i think it's better not testing because not knowing and having a little bit of hope is better than being 100% sure it's a BFN....

So good luck to anyone testing shortly. Sending you all plenty of baby dust**************************************** thinking of you all. I'm not testing for another 15 days.... can i bear it!!!!!!!!
Thanks Rachel,
It's hard work sometimes whn you're tired but you're afraid you'll miss an opportunity at same time. Hopefully we get BFP soon.
Good luck all xx :wink:
Lorrie, I have read somewhere that any type of lubrication such as KY can suppress or harm the sperm. Weird really, as the sperm needs the CM to survive and to assist in it's journey (it travells further in this), but KY diesn't help. Not sure if it actually kills the sperm, but it definitely doesn't help.
Just to let you know in Taking charge of your fertility (the bible!) says that virtually all artificial lubricants can kill sperm. Although it says a new vaginal mosturizer has been developed to mimic natural body secretions and provide an optimal enviroment for sperm. It's called Pre-Seed and is developed by Bio-OriGyn and works by delivering a pH balanced semen like fluid, try not sure if you can get it in the UK haven't checked yet! Hoping I won't need it next month!!

Good Luck 2 all

Just been reading your posts about lubricant, my DH and I always used Durex lube and i kept getting BFN but last month decided not use it as had also read about it killing off the sperm and hey presto got pregnant, don't know if it is related but if I were you don't use any just incase it does kill the little soldiers off :lol:
Good luck to you all this month, I really hope there are lots of congratulations to be posted soon.

Bundles of baby dust to you all.

Thanks Girlies for all your advice,haven't used lube since. Unfortunately because of increase lovemaking have gotten cystitis & have had to abstain for a few days. Hoping I might have ovulated early in cycle as I bdevery couple of days up to day 10. had symtoms I may have ovulated day 10,11,12. Would spermies live that long or is that wishful thinkin. Rachel I think it was you who wrote abou early ov.b4 hope you & me both right & get bfp soon. Rachel I know you at anxious stagenow am i amnt i hoping you have good news, keep me posted in next few days.
Lorrie x

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