DTD Sorry if TMI

My niece was sent for a scan as she was measuring small, they scanned her and baby is actually above average, she's just not carrying as much fluid as others. I know no words will stop you worrying atm hun xx
So long as bubs is moving and hb is heard don't panic sweet, even if bubs IS measuring a bit small there's always time to fatten them up :).
Hope ur ok tho, please don't stress, as hard as it is, bubs needs u to be chilled xx

Yeah I'm trying my best to calm down I guess I just expected to be in and out wishful thinking hey lol
Thank you all for your kind words and positivity : )
Fingers crossed the next 12 hours fly by x
Try not to panic if HB is fine and bubs is moving I'm sure all is fine xx
Using tapatalk so excuse the typos!
Ah hun sorry they kept you in but your in the best place. Hope all goes well with your scan maybe bubs is just squished inside ;) xxx
Sorry to hear this hun, but like the others said, as bubs is moving and hb is ok then all should be fine.

Try not to stress too much and I hope you get some sleep. xx
oh no just seen this. I am sure baby will be fine, if the HB is strong and constant then baby is fine, and there is plenty of time for bub to catch up size wise.

fingers crossed for tomorrow. x
Oh crap sweetie, I have only just read this!

So sorry to hear they are keeping you in, you poor thing you must be terrified!

I am hoping that a growth scan tomorrow will put your mind at rest, bub may be a bit small but not as small as they say ifykwim?

Try to keep calm and get some rest, I am sure all will be fine

I'm sure all will be fine hun :hugs: Try and get some rest x x
Well my OH left about half an hour ago and I just stopped crying how sad am I : (
Going to try my best to sleep but can't seem to settle
Thank you all xx
I now understand why people don't get better or get rested in hospital : (
I have been awake every 2 hours through the night and didn't actually nod off till after 12
Been to the loo and look like absolute crap : (
The poor lady across from me has been up and down all night
Roll on breakfast and 9am when my OH comes back x
Not long now and hubby will be back! Sorry you had a horrible night hun - here's hoping you get some good news very soon

Aw bless you :hugs: sorry you've had a bad night, your OH should be there now or soon :) hope they don't keep you waiting this morning and you get to go home soon x x
I hope so too my OH has just parked up
My blood pressure has been checked again and temp and I think there on about sticking a baby heart monitor on me after my scan : (
I'm scared x
I bet you are terrified hun and naturally so.

Try to keep calm though, you are in the best place and they will take good care of you and bambino

They're probably just being cautious hun, try to relax, I know easier said than done :hugs: x x
hope everything is ok!! I have just been in for my anti-D and holy hell it hurts!!!! (see, that will take your mind off everything else now!)

they throw the needle at your arse like a dart. lol

keep us posted. xxx

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