Just when I start to relax.. Bleeding :'( please reassure me!*updated with scan pics*

Thank you all! Just got back..
Got pale and faint with the shakes when I got there so they got me a bed and some water.. Then gynaecologist came and done internal exam, took some blood and urine, urine says I'm a bit dehydrated even though I've been drinking lots of water all week.. They said it all looks fine from the inside and no more bleeding but still cramping.. Told me if I bleed alot or feel unwell to come back and they will call me tomorrow for a date for a scan to be sure..
They were fantastic I'm so glad I went!!! Kids are still up going bonkers with their nan so I'm glad it's half term!!
Thank you all again for your kind wishes and support!! I'll update with the scan info and blood results :) xxx
that's great news :) hopefully they can arrange the scan for you soon xx
Thats great news hunny, hope they sort you a scan out soon x x

glad everything is ok. I had a tiny bit of spotting last week too. My midwife said last time some people get it every month when their period would have been due. Good luck xxxx
glad all is okay hon - hope they get your scan sorted soon x x
Thank you all :) ive not had a phone call form them yet but i think ill give them a call in a bit to check whats going on
Thanks again ill keep this post updated for tests results etc incase someone else has the same probs etc xx
So pleased they were good to you at the hospital, take care of yourself x
Turns out they had my number down wrong and had been calling me all day lol.. so im glad i called them myself yesterday! Had a scan at 11am today all is well!
Baby was using the placenta as a pillow, one hand behind its head, legs crossed and sucking its thumb lol!!
They dont allow you to know the gender at this hospital (kinda thankful!) so we couldnt get a decent pic of the 'nub' lol but ill still post the pics i got on my poll and here as an update :)
Glad im transferring to this hospital soon they are so much more friendly and helpful :) and at my 20 week scan they wont tell us the sex so it will help resist temptation to find out as my current hospital dont mind telling you!

Thanks again for being so supportive :) xxx
16weeks 3days :)


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So glad scan all went well - fabby pics too! :) x x
Awww those pics are amazing, so pleased everything is okay :) Take it easy! x
really glad for you...Must be such a weight of your shoulders! xx

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