Does this look like a baby bump to you?!

If you used protection, then you should be okay. But i saw the doctor on Tuesday and she said, condoms are only 98.9 % safe in the BEST hands...whatever that meant!?

Sometimes i look like i am 3 - 4 months pregnant for no reason. Sometimes just gassy, sometimes its just one of those days....
Youre obviously feeling very overwhelmed atm, which is perfectly normal! Like everyone else has said the best thing to do is hold off scaring yourself too much until youve taken a test and seen the results. There are differnt options you can do if you dont feel you could cope with a child. Also, although im at university, so could be a slightly different, carrying on with studies isnt a problem, you can still finish your a-levels and even go to university after, you'd just need to be determinded to do it! :eek:)

Just try not to worry too much untill tomorrow. :eek:) Hope things work out for you.
melio10, you're at university at the moment? what do you plan to do? can you even study with a child whilst at uni?
to poosmum - My trust in contraception has totally been knocked lately lol, Ive had sooo many condoms split, and Im pregnant now because the morning after pill failed (altho i do realise should have been careful beforehand) and a woman i know got pregnant while on the pill! Were both very happy about the pregnancies now but nothings safe really lol...well apart from not doing it at all!!
Yeah Im in my second year atm, and the babies due in july. The dads at the same uni as well. You get extra funding and your still entitled to a few benefits (although not many and i think theres alot of forms to go through!). Universitys want people to study, so even if you have a child they try and help you as much as they can. My tutor has been great about the whole thing!
that's amazing, i didn't even know that was possible!
what are you studying? and also, is the dad going to support you the entire way through etc and continue studying?
if im not pregnant then why am i so big all of a sudden?

You have a poor diet
You lack exercise
You are about to have your period

There are a lot of reasons. Even eating the wrong foods for a few days can make you bloat.

You need to take a test, until then there is no point stressing about what you would do if pregnant.

The chances of you getting PG one your first time, with protection is low. You need to look at the most likely scenario.
thank you, and that's a really beautiful signature.
Yep were both carrying on studies. Ive decided to commute to uni (itll b my third year so i wont b in much) and live with my parents and hes living at uni still, so we'll see each other for half the week and share costs and stuff. Its taken us a few months to figure how if it'll work and Im sure theyll be a few changes once the babies actually here, but Im sure its more than possible!
Like everyone says you need to test. It could just be too many mince pies :)
I agree Hun no point panicing until you know for sure
period symptoms and pregnancy symptoms can be so similar, i know when i first started havinng sex i was convinced i was pregnnant every month :lol: only way to know for sure is to test :hug:
bloating is so common after christmas, and also the signs can be taken as pre menstrual or pregnancy, have u tested yet? Stressing out often makes a cycle more tempremental :hug:
Hi hun,
Have you managed to take a test yet?

I can understand how worried you are as I felt the same in college, as I've always had problems with my periods from as long as i can remember and I was a size 8 but in college i gradually went from a size 8 to a 12.
Remember, when your body matures more it also can fill out more, this doesn't happen with everyone but maybe if you are not pregnant this is what could also be happening to you too.

I hope you are not worrying to much and that you get a result that you are hoping for.
Take a day at a time and you will get through it no matter what.
All the best,
i took a test today.
the shop had neither clear blue digital nor otherwise. so i got three cheapies.
2 came back positive, 1 negative. i've booked myself in to see a doctor on tuesday.
i told my boyfriend and he said he needed "time to think"... so im giving him time.
im kind of... happier now. i think. im still nervous and frightened. and of course overwhelmed, but im coming to terms with the idea. i think the chances are i am pregnant.
oh hun, sounds like you've really got your head screwed on today! Glad you've got a doctors appointment sorted already. How are you feeling?
Positives arnt generally wrong I think. Try not to worry about your boyfriend, its taken the father of my baby about 2 months to come to terms with the idea and I still think hes unsure on things! Glad your feeling better about the whole thing though. Itll be good to speak to the doctor as well, really talk about things. :)

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