Does this look like a baby bump to you?!


Active Member
Jan 16, 2010
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if so how far along do i look?
i'm so worried, please help. :/
im not sure how much do you weight and is your tummy relaxed in this pic?
We couldn't possibly know from a picture, can you tell us more about your situation? :)
Are you late for your period? I mean it could be a bump or it could be bloating xx
thats what i was thinking i didnt show till like 15 weeks plus with my first so i have no idea other show straight away you might just have a little swelling hun x
yes, my stomach is relaxed in that picture. i could try and take a better one though if that would be useful.
i havent weighed myself recently, but beforehand i was about 10st and i'm 5'9".
normally i have quite a flat stomach and im a comfortable size 8/10 but over christmas i've gone up to a 12 and now look like that.
my boyfriend and i had sex for the first time in november and we did use protection, i had really light bleeding about a week ago for about two days but that's all. my periods can be irregular so i've put off having a test until earlier today when my friend noted that i had "more of a stomach".
I can only advise that you take a test hun. Its the only way you will know for sure. Have you gained and inches anywhere else? xx
i would :test: then you will know. How old are you hun?
not especially, it's mainly around my waist where ive noticed it which is why alarm bells are ringing.
I think you have to test, its the only way of knowing :)
i'm 17, just started my a levels. i dont know what to do if i am actually pregnant. i'll lose so much. :/
and i am going to do a test tomorrow.
are there any other symptoms i should look out for right now? given the time etc?
If you were pregnant, your boobs would most likely be swollen and maybe sore. You shouldn't torture yourself with this worrying, do a test then at least you will know either way xx
i know i shouldn't, but i can't help it. it's been in the back of my mind all christmas and my friend's comment sort of confirmed my worries. i guess i haven't taken the test yet because i'm fearing the worst...
I agree with Toonlass, no point in stressing until you know for sure :) Take a test and let us know hun :hug:
at least you will know tomorow invest in a good clear blue one then you will know how far you are gone if you are pregnant x
thank you all for your advice, i will go to the store tomorrow and get a clear blue one. how much are they out of curiousity?
and what actually happens if it's positive?! :S
they are around 10-15 pounds and if you are just make a doctors appointment to confirm and he will disguss your options and tell you to take folic acid ect . . tell you when you are due if you are x
If you didnt want a digital one, at asda theyve got 2 clear blue (none digi) ones for £9. Its what I got, so you still get the reassurance from a good make, but dont have to spend alot. Hope thats of some use!
thank you. i'll get more than one, just in case.
if im not pregnant then why am i so big all of a sudden?
and if i am pregnant, then what should i do about school and parents?!

sorry about all the questions... ive kept quiet for so long, it's just as much a relief to actually let them out as it is to get feedback.
i also feel so awful for feeling not wanting to be pregnant, when there are women out there who cant have children. im sorry.
we did use a condom though. AND we waited for 2 years until i turned 17 and it felt right ANDDD it was our first time.

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