What does it feel like.


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2006
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I can't believe I have got to 32 and knowbody has ever described what labour feels like to me. I imagine it is quite hard but can someone please try?

Cotractions - I have this impression that they feel like all of your muscles tensing over your abdomen and in your back until it feels really uncomfortable. - Is that just laughable?

I'm not so worried about contactions, what people always fail to mention is how the baby gets out. I know we stretch but seriously - does it feel like being torn apart down there and inside?

I'm braced for very honest answers...
i read somewhere on this forum that you don't even feel stretching down there or your skin tearing because the contractions are that bad.

so if you don't notice skin ripping down there, then the contractions must be awful!! :shock: :shock:
I didn't feel the crowning or anything like that.

Contractions were like a little electric pulse inside my back and tummy getting stronger till they peaked and went away.. manageable at first then stronger and stronger untill you don't get a break from them. Then you feel like you need to have a big shit but you don't you just need to push a baby out :lol:
i cant describe the feeling - i think i bloked it out coz its soooo painful!!!
i think that the contractons are the worst bit ( well its all bad!!), with the pushing you are pushing away the pain.
when jaylas head was crowning it felt like a hot ring of fire - then she just flooped out. then the pain was gone!!
In my opinion it is nowhere near as bad as you think it's going to be!

I started (in hindsight - I didn't realise it at the time!) early evening with a niggling back ache in my lower back.
In the morning I realised that it was coming in waves. The contractions were like bad period pains low down - again in waves.
Between contractions I couldn't speak very easily as it hurt :? (but apparently that's a sure sign you're in labour!)
The worst bit was trying to push the head out but then the rest is a doddle!
Kimbo said:
i read somewhere on this forum that you don't even feel stretching down there or your skin tearing because the contractions are that bad.

so if you don't notice skin ripping down there, then the contractions must be awful!! :shock: :shock:
No you don't. All the pain just merges in to one big HURT! But it's not as horrendous as it sounds!
To me contractions were like bad period pains x10. I had all the pain in my belly, nothing in my back at all.

Crowning felt like I was on fire down there and it stung like hell but once that bit is over the rest of baby just comes out and that wasn't painful for me. I never tore though, just had a few grazes.

When you feel the need to start pushing it feels like you need to have a shit lol, sorry only way I can think to describe that lol.
Rachel said:
When you feel the need to start pushing it feels like you need to have a sh*t lol, sorry only way I can think to describe that lol.

I never realised that you actually had to push into your bum like you're going to the toilet. I didn't like that bit.

All modesty goes down the pan! :oops:
What great answers, thanks you girls!! :D
Cool, now I know how to practice, who needs classes!
Unfortunately I cannot comment on the actual giving birth part, as I was dugged up to the nines :(

Personally I found getting to 7cm dilated pretty comfortable, I just needed co-codamol for the acute back pain I was experiencing. I was quiet and just closed my eyes and breathed through them, they were like a very hot sensation pulsing through my back and tummy, and having my thighs rubbed by OH helped too, but mainly I think the hypnobirthing prep made it just comfortable and exciting, I wasn't afraid at all, I went with it.

I won't witter on about the drip induction because the pain I felt with my contractions after that was mostly due to the fact that it wasn't natural, and my body wasn't able to cope as efficiently because of that.

A LOT of how you are throughout birth is due to your preconceptions before hand, so try and watch and read some positive birth stories, that will help you know you are capable of giving birth without it being some TV drama, very best wishes :hug: :hug: :hug:

Every birth is unique, so you have to read others' experience remembering that and stay open minded :hug:
I was induced last time, so didn't really feel a build up of contractions, it just started out the blue and was really intense in my back and tummy straight away.

To be honest I can't really remember the crowning stage feeling like burning or anything, I can just remember the urge to push was that strong and I kind of blocked the pain out so I could push and have it all over and done with.
i'm scared too :shock: :shock: :shock:

plus i made the mistake of claiming, if i can push half a ton on a leg press machine i can push out a 8lb baby easy peasy :oops: :oops:
midna said:
DebbieM said:
I am SO scared! lol

Terrified in fact! :shock: :shock: :shock:

You wont be youll be ready for it when the time comes. :D

I never believed people when they said u wont be at the end you'll be ready but now I do, I think pregnancy prepares u for labour cos ur that fed up ur gagging for it :lol:
I'm so pleased that this thread has been started, I was going to start one along similar lines.

I seem to be hearing more positive labour stories recently than horrific ones...so I now intend to sail through labour with a huge grin on my face :think: :shock:
gymbabeliz said:
i'm scared too :shock: :shock: :shock:

plus i made the mistake of claiming, if i can push half a ton on a leg press machine i can push out a 8lb baby easy peasy :oops: :oops:

:rotfl: :rotfl: I bet you regret that comment

Im not scared I cant wait - not for the pain - just to have my baby, I have seen a few babies being delivered and I know it hurts and is really tough but I also know the emotion and reward the moms felt at the end :D
girls - don't be scared. I am such a wuss with pain, if i stub my toe i'm in tears. Can't lie, pain was like I've never experienced before but gas and air is fab and the time flies, it's not like your watching a clock. your body just does its thing. it's what were made for at the end of the day.

I'd do it again tomorrow, in fact i can't wait for labour next time, it's a wierd feeling, out of body like. :D
i'm kinda looking forward to the pain in a 'bring it on' sort of way...! :shock: :lol: :lol:
I'm scared too - I struggle to believe I am pregnant half the time nevermind actually giving birth

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