does anyone else find motherhood ......


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2007
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..... lonely?

some days i really struggle with the fact i have no friends well except one but i cant be bothered with her anymore (thats a long story that i have already posted) i dont have anyone my husband works all day and so does my mum and dad so i have no one to spend time with, i know i should be enjoying spending time with Willow which i do but i just wish i had some friends i could chat to or meet with every so often its really starting to get me down now :cry: :cry:

i even feel like crying while i am writing this.
i kind of do, but not on the same scale by the sound of it :hug: :hug: :hug:
hav u asked ur hv about local mum&baby groups and surestart groups? they really help :)
i do go to a couple of sure start mum and baby groups and have done since willow was 3/4 months old but havent really clicked with anyone and the annoying thing is they all live so close like a 2 min walk away.
Yeah i know exactly how you feel, plus all my mates are single and childless and are constantly out, i feel really left out of everything to be honest.

Plus it doesn't help that we've now moved to another town away from all my friends and family, so i'm even more alone - apart from OH's family, but to be honest cannot be fucked with them most of the time!
Luckily I like my own company anyway,plus we live in the middle of nowhere so i'm used to not seeing people,but I can see myself getting lonelier as she gets older.

The Surestartgroup sounds like a goood idea,there seem to be groups in every village round here,if not,churches do playgroups and you don't necessarily have to go to the church to be involved
I know how you feel, my family all live in Scotland and I dont really have any friends here. I know some girls through work but we dont socialise together. I went to a Mother and Baby group but felt very isolated as they all knew each other and not even one person said hello to me :(
I know how you feel as my oh is a work all day im in all the time i dont even go to any mother and baby toddler groups but im going to try and find some to go to :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I feel exactly the same hun. I just try to fill my days going out into town and spending money or soming on here just so I'm not thinking about it too much.

Even the friends I do have that don't work don't make the effort to come over :x

What about swimming classes with LO. Or do you know anyone on here who is from your area and in same position? Maybe they would like to meet as I think a lot of us are in the same position :hug: :hug: :hug:
yes, all my family are in the UK, I have a few 'friends' here but unless I make the effort to walk down to see them I never hear from them, none of them have OH is very good but as you say sometimes it would be nice to just have a chat, in fact apart from telephoning my family at new year I havent had a 'face to face' chat to anyone except DH an MIL for 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!
there are no mother and baby things to join, no clubs of any sort and the village we live in is so spread out it's actually too far to walk up to where the shops are and they all close between 2 and 6pm anyway!!!!!
i do, OH is at work 8-10 hours a day, i only really go out to take the girls
to playschool and only go out at the end of the wek to do my shopping and the rest of the time im by myself at home with the children
I was very lucky in that I've remained in contact with my NHS antenatal group and we have become quite close. I've also made a very good friend via NCT.

My calendar was jammed in the first few months of Maia'a life and it was great, really helped to lift my moods. Now I feel better somedays I wish I didn't have so much on! Especially now I'm back at work.

Of course being back at work help make you feel 'normal' again! Are you planning on going back to work Becky?

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Very BIG hugs to anyone feeling lonely :hug: :hug: :hug:
Like some of you I do enjoy my own company so I don't notice it often, but when things are hard, or you're not feeling up for whatever reason, then lonliness can be very upsetting. You're not alone, and I do hope friends from here at PF at least, can support you through those lonely times :hug: :hug: :hug:
i know the feeling too hun i hope you find someone to click with in your group as it is one of the most horrible things going to babyclub and not knowing anyone :hug: :hug: :hug:

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