What Aspects of Motherhood Do you Struggle With?

laracomps said:
Hmm I think the thing I have struggled with most is the emotional side of things.

Feeling so helpless sometimes, especially when she had bad colic. Struggling with feeding. Her injections. Seeing her with a cold.

I was so unprepared with how it would make me feel lol.

Oh and the tiredness. I feel like i'm never going to get a good nights sleep ever again! (Please don't tell me my suspicions are correct :rotfl: )


plus i have twio that dont sleep through, hannah up atleast 2-3times and Emily is the same. - so sleeping is ridiculas right now

plus - i feel bad for having to split myself into two all the time, to give each of them what they desire.
I'm having issues with tantrums too, they were never this bad before Sophie was born. I've tried so hard to keep things normal and include William but some days his behaviour really gets to me. He's as good as gold when it's just me, or just his dad but when we're all home together it's mayhem. He doesn't direct his frustration at Sophie though, he doesn't seem to be jealous of her, but I can't easily talk on the phone or speak to my visitors. That's when he'll kick off. It's so hard to know what to do for the best.

Everything else is ok, being a parent is brilliant :dance: .
In terms of James, nothing really, think I have adapted reasonably well and can multitask getting ready with sorting him out and keeping him happy etc. Plus Im lucky cos he is an ACE sleeper!

But in terms of how motherhood has affected my hormones thats a whole other story!! I have turned into an emotional wreck and a worrier. I constantly worry that James is ok - check him when he sleeps etc, cant watch any tv programmes involving kids / dads / family members getting hurt/dying etc etc. I used to be like this as a teenager but grew out of it and grew a protective shell when I was a single career girl and things like that stopped affecting me...but now Im a married mummy I fret about stuff all the time and am sooooo emotional... I think its mainly cos i feel sooo lucky to have such a perfect little family and everything is so ace for the first time in my life that Im so frightened sommat is gonna happen to ruin it all... :( :oops:
with Holly nothing, she's actually a very easy baby so I think we lucked out there, but I am about to go back to work and although I've negotiated a 4 day week I'm struggling with the idea of being working mum. I was always very career focused and its a very social job I do which means a lot of networking....

Its almost like I shifted identities when I became a mum and now I have to alter it again with working.. if that makes sense
What do I find tough....hmmmm.....

Broken sleep, messy house (even 5 mins after tidying), layer of stickiness on everything, fingerprints on the walls, being screamed at pretty much every waking hour, the bone aching tiredness, saying 'no' or 'I'll count to 3' 654 million times a day, both my children being headbutters when they have tantrums, mopping up sick regularly lately (thanks DS!) the gut wrenching thought of leaving them with other people and how two tiny little evil munchkins have got me wrapped round their little fingers :shakehead:
Actually raising Jamie is no problem, hes a good boy when he wants to be, Im just fed up of the shit body Iv been left with and bein so tired that I cant go to the gym incase I fall asleep on the treadmill lol

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