What Aspects of Motherhood Do you Struggle With?

I struggle with being so restricted. I like to keep my kids in a routine so at the minute Nathan has a nap in the morning so the only time I get out of the house is after dinner, between 1pm and picking Jess up from school at 3pm. Then they have tea at 5 and bed at 7pm. I'd love to be able to just get up and go out in the morning and stay out for as long as I want.
Money...money and money....

I found the transition over from 1 child to 2 much more difficult in this respect. But tbh everything else was pretty much the same.

I find the feeding tiring at times, but I love it at the same time, as its only me and lil miss seems to feed all the time... like its only 9:15am here atm...and shes already on her 5th feed since 1am last night... oh and the puking she pukes everywhere over everyone and everything... its very disheartening to put her on the changing table, clean her up, pop her in a new vest, sit her up and :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: everywhere again.... :roll: then repeating the process again and again till her tummy's empty or you just don't care any more... :rotfl:
I get mega stressed just not being able to do certain basic things because Sam is kicking off like cook dinner or just go get a shower.

The sleepless nights are also something I struggle with too he mainly wakes twice a night 1am and 4-5am then occasionally he will near enough sleep through.
when he was a baby - say up to about 8 months it was the Reflux, throwing up all the time, not really being able to let just everybody hold him as he threw up all over them and also the crying for an apparent no reason and I thought I was a crappy mum as didnt know why he was crying

These days its keeping my cool, i always had a shortish fuse but it seems tohave got shorter....like I know this morning when we were having bed cuddles and he was playing with the monitor he didnt mean to whack me extremly hard in my nose but I was so close to yelling at him for it. I also find his sleeping extremly hard (which I have TBF since he was a baby) he is not a good sleeper so I hate going out over nap times because he wont sleep in strange places etc but as he no has a huge nap in themiddle of the day its hard to do anything decent (for me and him)!
My babies are in a nice little routine now, alot ebtter than it was when me and OH had to sleep in shifts :lol:

Only things I struggle with from time to time is living with OH's parents still, and lack of me time.
The tandrums too, he doesnt like it if you take things hes not allowed away from him like the Remote.. :lol:
kazlin said:
Generally, touch wood, I haven't really struggled much regarding Daniel which I am so pleased and grateful for, he really is a little delight :D The only thing I do struggle with from time to time is the sleepless nights. I was so used to having a straight eight hours sleep, that waking up in the early hours was definately hard to begin with. It is getting better though and occasionally he does sleep all the way through...he also occasionally wakes up twice a night!

Is there anything you struggle with? :)

i struggle with meeting all my childrens needs all in one day.
They are all at very different stages but need as much attention as the other. I struggle with helping my eldest two with homework and listening to bethany read do her sounds etc whilst having to put Rachael
on the back burner.
Who ever im giving one to one attention to i am wracked with guilt about the other 3 and so on
Its ridiculous really.

I feel like im being pulled in 4 directions at times and i hate it.

One day i can cope with it all and the next i sit and cry with frustration.
Im not really sturggling to be honest

I didnt sleep very well anyway, never have, so waking up in the night is no change for me :|
Screaming. His scream makes my brain rattle and can break my temper. It's a REALLY high pitched scream which is why. I'll have to record it and post it. He's actually screamed so high that he has damaged my ears on a temporary basis. :(
Night-time screaming for "no" reason - and, more than that but linked to the same - OH's reaction, as if he acts p*ssed off I take it out on him.
Hmm I think the thing I have struggled with most is the emotional side of things.

Feeling so helpless sometimes, especially when she had bad colic. Struggling with feeding. Her injections. Seeing her with a cold.

I was so unprepared with how it would make me feel lol.

Oh and the tiredness. I feel like i'm never going to get a good nights sleep ever again! (Please don't tell me my suspicions are correct :rotfl: )
The anxiety of always wondering if I'm doing the right thing!

The intensity of it all.

Worrying about everything.

Feeling like my brain has turned to mush (I'm sure I used to be intelligant sometime ago before I got pregnant!!)

The crying - especially when it's tired crying and she just wont go to sleep.

My OH not being confident enough with being with Emms alone and giving her a bottle for a while to let me have some time out :(

BUT - I do love you so much it hurts little Emms
rusks said:
the tantrums!! i struggle with whinging, i'm not very tolerant of bad behaviour and have a short fuse! i've done a lot of walking away and counting to ten lately!! :lol:

it used to be the sleepless nights but hes pretty good now.

I'm with you all the way there Lisa! Lx
like a lot of you i struggle with the crying for no reason. I hate to see her unhappy and i get frustrated that im the only one who can calm her down, so if she's grizzling i have to stop what im doing and i just cant get on with the things i need to do.
the screaming when shes just tired - for god sake just go to sleep woman - or i will :lol: with earplugs :lol:

when i have to get things done and shes being clingy and you just know the minute i put her down she screams

basically i just have a very short fuse (not in a violent way lol) i just mean i have to take a deep breath sometimes and leave her where she is for a few seconds then im fine :D

i feel bad for this and thought it was me being incapable, so its good to know that a lot of other ppl feel it... :think: ... (you know what i mean) :lol:
At first it was the lack of sleep and messed up sleeping habits. Now it is the whining and the having to be so organised just to make a trip to the shops. It has got much easier though as he is getting more and more independent.
I don't cope very well when she's unwell, its getting better the older she gets but in the early days when you had to figure it out whether they were just under the weather or if it was more serious, it was so hard the waiting and seeing if calpol was enough.
Sleepless nights. No time to do things like housework let alone have any time for myself! If my other half was here more often then I might not struggle so much. I'm sure things will get easier as he gets older (fingers crossed)!
LucyBee said:
rusks said:
the tantrums!! i struggle with whinging, i'm not very tolerant of bad behaviour and have a short fuse! i've done a lot of walking away and counting to ten lately!! :lol:

it used to be the sleepless nights but hes pretty good now.

I'm with you all the way there Lisa! Lx

Me too!!! :lol:
I can't stand it when Dans 'naughty' I've got no patience. If he cries when I say no, it makes me not give into him even more. I'm such a hard cow! :lol: :wink:
Misslarue said:
LucyBee said:
rusks said:
the tantrums!! i struggle with whinging, i'm not very tolerant of bad behaviour and have a short fuse! i've done a lot of walking away and counting to ten lately!! :lol:

it used to be the sleepless nights but hes pretty good now.

I'm with you all the way there Lisa! Lx

Me too!!! :lol:
I can't stand it when Dans 'naughty' I've got no patience. If he cries when I say no, it makes me not give into him even more. I'm such a hard cow! :lol: :wink:

me 3 :lol:

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