Doc has refered me to EPU -UPDATE ON PAGE 4 ! PICTURE on page 6

JJ Mum

Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2010
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Went to see the docs, and about two/three words in I burst into tears, poor lady!

She knew about my last missed Mc, so she didn't hestiate to offer me a scan, (might of been the tears!) I didn't even have to ask, was nervous as was going to have to be brave and push for one as I'm so worried.

So she faxed over to our nearest EPU and they should be ringing me tomorow, hope scan is tomorow rather than longer - fingers crossed.

I have now spotted for 7 days now, doesn't seem to be stopping :shakehead: but you know when you have that feeling about the outcome, I have that again this time , I will let you know how I go X
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Glad you are going to get a scan, hope its soon and that its good news for you. Keeping my fingers crossed for a sticky baby for you :hug:
Good news your getting a scan! Fingers crossed everythings ok x x
sorry to hear the spotting hasnt stopped lovely!! i hope you get the scan asap
i really hope its good news for you lovely there its been a bad couple days on her for a few girls and i really have everything crossed and praying all is well for you xxxxxxxxxxx
keep us posted xxxxxx thinking of you
Sending hugs your way Xx
Best wishes hun xxx
Hope you hear from them soon and hope its good news
Hope you get the scan for tomorrow!! And so nice that you have a supportive GP.
ooh hope your scan is soon and everything is ok for you glad you are now getting things stored out and let us know how you get on xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I really hope you get your scan tomorrow and that all is well x
Praying everything is ok for you honey x you know where I am x x hope the scan shows a very very sticky baby x
will be keeping my fingers toes and every thing crossed for you jj. hope you get your scan tomorrow and they dont make you wait to long. lots of love xxxxxxxxx
Good luck - I've got my fingers crossed too. I really hope things turn out well.
Hope you get your scan tomorrow and that all is ok x x
I just saw this thread - really hope everything is ok for you JJ. Keeping my fingers crossed xxx
Hope the scan is sooner rather than later, thinking of u :hug: xxx
Oh hun!!!!! I so so keeping everything crossed!!!!! I hope you get your scan tomorrow!!!! Keeping everything
crossed!!! X x x x

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