Second early scan tomorow (good News - pics on page 3)

Thanks Girls, I know it should be fine, but I can't get to sleep! arghhh
good luck jj hope all goes well xxxxx
Good luck, thinking of you this morning. xx
Ooooooh just caught this thread x good luck today x x
Thanks girls - you are all sooo lovely :lol:

Well Scan was great this morning, Baby is still alive and well, and we could just see the heartbeat again, and was all perfect , shame you only get a couple of seconds looking at the screen. we saw it move it's body and move it's arm, that's not too bad for just 10 weeks today is it! They didn't look again at the dates , and said they would review at the normal Nuchal scan later on.

Pics uploaded, first one at 7 weeks 6 days, (baby measured crown to rump of 15.3 mm, and second one at 10 weeks 0 days,(baby measured CRM of 33.00mm) so you can see the difference - it has doubled in size!! It always amazes me how clever it all is. (the second pic, baby has head on right handside and hand on the top, was slightly clearer that this on screenm, but went fussy when she took the pic!).

Laura C, i am hoping all went well with your scan Hun, bit worried as you haven't posted yet, hope you have just been busy or at work?


  • Sticky Scan at 7  weeks 6 day 8th june 2010.jpg
    Sticky Scan at 7 weeks 6 day 8th june 2010.jpg
    83.7 KB · Views: 16
  • Sticky scan at 10 weeks 0 days 23rd June 2010.jpg
    Sticky scan at 10 weeks 0 days 23rd June 2010.jpg
    64.4 KB · Views: 26
Thanks lots Vix, I treated myself to a new slightly larger T-Shirt bra from a supermarket on the way home!
And have booking in appointment booked for tomorow PM ready, incase all was ok. I shall enjoys that I think, there is still a chance of Mc I expect, but surely getting to 10 weeks , with heartbeat, the percentage is much less now.
So glad its all ok at the moment hunni!

I have been wondering about you all morning x x x
I'm so glad all went well honey x x yay for the sticky x x
Aw thats fantastic jj well done really happy for you xxxx
So glad it went well. Amazing that baby has doubled in size.

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