Do you see what I see?

Thanks everyone, the line on the cheapy wasnt bad for 10dpo either

Im just getting dressed now as we have my nan and grandad coming round hopefully to discuss the holiday then im off out to buy more tests :) oohhh im liking this weekend and its not even over yet! x x

Omg Omg Omg!!!!!! Defo see it! I am soooooo excited for you. Have you shown hubby? X

He couldnt see it! But i think hes expecting it to be as dark as the control line, hopefully it does get as dark over the next few days then he can say ooh yes i can see it now! :fx: x x

Typical man! Lol. We can all see it and that's on a pic! You wouldn't believe how excited I am for you, I'm nearly crying lol, and I'm not exaggerating! Big massive hugs! :)

Aawww thank you hunny :friends:
Im excited but scared at the same time, i really hope this is it :fx:
Ive just shown him again and he can see it now but hes not convinced as its not dark enough!
How are you and your little girl, i cant believe youe in tri-3 already, its gone so quick :) x x

Awww hun,
totally normal that you're scared, I'd be the same! Try to relax - hahaha, easier said than done.
We're both good, apart from being a bit anaemic. Yeah I can't believe I'm in tri 3 already its gone so much faster than I'd imagined! Is Adam feeling better? Have you got plans today - keeping yourself busy would probably be a good idea!

x x x x
I can see the line on the cheapie too :) Not as good as the FR though, but that'll just be becasue its a cheapy, but great for 10 dpo

This is me just now - :) - big smiley face haha

x x x x
Ooooh yay, second line ahoy!!!! Many congrats M2A :)

:pray: for a sticky bean for you!!

Glad your doing well, i was anemic with Adam, hope its not too bad hunny.

This is me now :) :shock: :fx: :scared: :) :shock: :fx: :scared: x x

OMG M2A huge Congratulations!!!!! I'm absolutely made up for you!! Get over to the announcements!!
Ohhh your making me wanna cave in!!! X

Thanks tinselcat :)
How are you feeling today? Anymore symptoms to report? x x

Feeling sickeningly healthy (7/8 dpo). Had a few seconds of sensitive teeth while eating my breakfast which made me smile and think of you... then I logged on and read about your line!!! :D

Totally made up for you about your second line... can't believe your OH can't see it! Hee hee.

OMG M2A huge Congratulations!!!!! I'm absolutely made up for you!! Get over to the announcements!!
Ohhh your making me wanna cave in!!! X

Thanks Louize, im going to stay here just until the lines are abit darker or i have it in writing.
I couldnt help but cave in, i felt lousy so i was either ill or pregnant and i needed to know!
Wasnt today your testing date hunny? x x

Thanks tinselcat :)
How are you feeling today? Anymore symptoms to report? x x

Feeling sickeningly healthy (7/8 dpo). Had a few seconds of sensitive teeth while eating my breakfast which made me smile and think of you... then I logged on and read about your line!!! :D

Totally made up for you about your second line... can't believe your OH can't see it! Hee hee.


It made me laugh when you said about your teeth :) apart from my sore back i had nothing really until yesterday when i posted in the 2ww thread. My fingers and toes are crossed for you :fx: x x

OMG M2A huge Congratulations!!!!! I'm absolutely made up for you!! Get over to the announcements!!
Ohhh your making me wanna cave in!!! X

Thanks Louize, im going to stay here just until the lines are abit darker or i have it in writing.
I couldnt help but cave in, i felt lousy so i was either ill or pregnant and i needed to know!
Wasnt today your testing date hunny? x x

I have no doubt that your lines are going to be a hell of a lot darker tomorrow hun - I can't wait to see them !!!

Im 13DPO so I could test today but because I have not done OPK's this cycle so im not entirely sure when I did ovulate ( I have just assumed it is the same as last cycle - AF should be due on Tuesday so I think Im going to wait until tomorrow to test).

I wont cave.. I wont cave... I wont cave... I wont cave....... :oooo:

Omg I see them!! Huge congrats honey this is such great news. Xxxx
Omg I've just seen this, I sooooooo knew you'd done it this month my darling :yay:

Congrats :yay: :dance:

I can now call you kezzamummy :flower:

Congratulations M2A :)

Fingers crossed for a happy and healthy nine months :hug:
Thank you so much for you lovely messages ladies :)
I honestly thought i was out this month as we had hardly bd near ov time :shock:
I need to keep myself busy, yesterday i was thinking how to get OH to book this holiday then today i wake up get a line on my tests and find OH with his head in the brouchers looking where he wants to go :yay: :)

Loving the new name kezza :) how are you hunny? x x


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