Do you see what I see?

def 2 lines!!

I did 6 cheapo's and they all came up positive... didn't quite believe it but I am not 13 weeks!!
Aaarrhhh i cant get to sleep! Ive tried everything but nothing is working. My mind is on over drive wondering whether i am pregnant or will af show up, wondering whether the tests today were wrong as i was only 10dpo, wondering whether a diggi will work tomorrow, if im like this now what am I going to be like tomorrow morning when it comes to doing the diggi?! x x

Hi M2A

Hope you have managed to get back to sleep honey!! Maybe a hot drink will work? Good luck with the diggi tomorrow.

Thanks Tinselcat, i was just dropping off and my little man woke up crying :( Ive just been in an tucked him in so im going to try and get some sleep in now, my alarm will be going off in 4 hours :roll:
Can you not sleep either or are you always up at this time hunny? x x

Hope you managed to get some sleep and I know easier said than done no doubt but try not to worry, that positive line was as clear as anything in the picture :hugs: xx
Hi M2A

Hope you & Adam are back in bed sound asleep snoozing now!

I was asleep and then woke up with a start (in fact jumped out of bed) not breathing. After a further half an hour lying in bed too scared to sleep, I came to PF with a hot chocolate to relax and it seems to have done the trick!

Wondering if it was stress that set off the asthma as I am resigning from work tomorrow. Also early start (compared to normal for me) - 6.30 am :(

Agree with Tinkerbell on the +ve line thingy, and one night of misplaced sleep shouldn't stop your hormones from producing more hcg


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Huge congratulations!! That looks exactly like my test at 10DPO. I'm so pleased for you xxxx
Hey. Congratulations. Defo c 2 lines there. Hope it sticks for you hun. xxx
Just wanted to add my congrats here. I will keep everything crossed for you that it sticks this time. I'm sure it will, but you take extra extra care of yourself ok? xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Just wanted to add my congrats here. I will keep everything crossed for you that it sticks this time. I'm sure it will, but you take extra extra care of yourself ok? xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I will do hunny, not taking any chances this time (not that i did last time but im being extra careful) Thank you x x


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