Do people know you are TTC

Also hard for me to hide that we're TTC as had MMC in January so it's just fairly hard for me to hide that we want to have our own wee family. x
I told people first time round and kinda regretted it cause of the MC, it made it extremely awkward and upsetting for a while. Not telling anyone this time to avoid all the upsetting fuss that goes with it if it happens again. My family never knew in the first place mind in case of that, but we did tell a few people and it wasn't a good idea. Keeping it schtum until we're past the 3 month mark this time. :)
well you guys know, i told my brother and one of my best friends who is 22 weeks pregnant.
Just me and my OH know. I don't want to tell anyone else and I feel it will jinx my chances? I know it wouldn't make a difference hehe x
I told my sister, my aunty and a few friends at work about trying for a baby. Then at work everyone seemed to find out I was, so when I had my mmc at 11weeks I had to tell everyone! So the friends and my male boss at work knows I will be ttc straight away after along with most of my family and oh family! Talk about pressure:)

I have found it quite nice to have to the support from everyone especially at work, although it was a bit awkward to start with as one of the other cleaners is due the day after I would have been, plus there is another cleaner pregnant now too. But even they have been amazing and supportive. Xx
I think it's kind of expected, as we just got married last month. Everyone kept asking about our 'busy' honeymoon!!
SIL (who is also pretty much my best friend) keeps nagging this month for a niece or nephew, so she knows we are. Both mums have been nagging for ages so they'll expect it.
Still I think it will be a lovely surprise all round when(if) we do announce it, although I'm hoping to wait til everything's a-okd before we told anyone. Just in case.

I do, however, want to tell the entire world that we're ttc. I can't even walk around the shops without feeling conspicuous cos I've started looking at baby stuff with googly eyes. I've taken to shopping in other towns so I can have a guilt-free browse!!
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I got married in May and everyone just asumed that we would be trying since then. I have tried to keep it as quiet as I can as people knowing justs adds pressure they also ask too many questions lol
A couple of my friends know and my mum. . . Couldn't keep quiet :) but no one else will find out till i am actually pregnant ! I would like it to be a surprise for most people.
We're not admitting we're ttc to many people, just saying 'we're seeing what happens', we were hoping this would keep he pressure to a minimum. I think most people in the family assume we are ttc and I wish no one knew anything as lately I've really been feeling the pressure.. Especially as my OH cousin has recently announced his wife is pregnant and my SIL may be pregnant. I was a bit gutted about my SIL as I confided in her about us ttc and next thing you know she's decided she wants a baby and bam she's potentially pregnant. I know feeling if we get our bfp we'll just be jumping on the bandwagon. I've told my OH I want to not try for a couple of months as I'm feeling the pressure. We won't be using contraception and I'm hoping the reverse psychology will work :) xx
I have a huge family and some of them know as I had a miscarriage, and had already arranged to meet my new baby cousin 4 days later... they had to be warned as they're the types that say 'it'll be you next!' and 'when are you having a baby?' :S they don't know we're trying again though, apart from my mum and a couple of close friends. My OH's family don't know a thing as they want us to wait til we're practically 100 til we have babies lol same old 'your're too young,' and 'you can't afford to have a baby' - when can you?!?! we've been married over a year and together for nearly 6 so it seems crazy to me but oh well! Fingers crossed and good luck to everyone :D xxx
only myself and my OH know, although when we get a BFP i will be finding it hard not to shout it from the roof tops!
For the best part of a year it was only ourselves and one close friend that knew. My mum knows now - it came about in a normal conversation.
Also two other friends now know, mainly because I was sick of being asked if we were pregnant or 'just to get on with it'. They have since stopped asking. Result!
To begin with for the first few months I told no-one, and then told two of my best friends. Now it's been more than 2 years gradually I've told a few more friends. Still not told my mum, and trying to work out if I should or not. Once I've told her I can't take it back and I'm slightly worried she would ask me about it every time I spoke to her.

I def wouldn't tell people in general tho, like people at work, particularly if it does take a while it could (obv shouldn't but that's not how things work in the real world) affect your chances of say a promotion at work etc.
Hey apat from me and DH, my parents and my brother know. Im glad they know as we are a really close family and they offer me alot of support and even if i hadnt told them they would hve worked it out as we all know eachother inside out lol

I think DH's parents may have an idea we are TTC as well and apparently make subtle comments to DH but they havent mentioned it to me.
We had a lot of baby comments in our wedding guest book! so I dont think its gonna come as a shock to people when we eventually get BFP

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