Have you told people you are ttc?

I agree with Rebecca, I love this forum coz I can ask all the questions I like without making anyone around me gossip!
I agree with all comments so far. We have only been trying for the first month but I had to talk to someone so oh and I went for dinner with parents and two closest friends one evening and we told them but said that we don't want anyone else to know as we don't want any pressure from others. So as far as I know they haven't told anyone......,yet!
I tell anyone that shows an interest :)

I'm just a pretty open person, if you hadn't have guessed, and i have no issues at all putting people in their place either if i think thay are being thoughtless in their comments.

You only have to tell them once :)

Only me and my OH can add pressure to the situation as far as i am concerned.
Well we have a loft full of baby bits which were kindly donated by DH's sister who has two boys so its pretty obvious to anyone who knows us that we are trying lol

I couldnt hide us ttc even if I wanted to.....You know that crazy lady that you see who wanders in to mothercare for no other reason but to just stand and stare at the newborn baby clothes.... hi thats me!!
haha me too vicky!! I dont go shopping anymore because i just end up wandering the mothercare isles eyeing things like a lovestruck teenager... not a good look! x
i kidnap one of my nieces to do that so i look like i am in there for a reason!! x
Me too! I've been lurking for a while and thought I'd reply to this :)
We have been telling very close family and friends that we're trying... but to be honest, I wish we hadn't bothered. Apart from my mum the response is usually 'what a shame' or 'oh.' Apparently we're 'too young or 'not financially secure enough'...we're both 24 and working... I just wish people would let us make our own minds up, or at least respect our decision!
Me too! I've been lurking for a while and thought I'd reply to this :)
We have been telling very close family and friends that we're trying... but to be honest, I wish we hadn't bothered. Apart from my mum the response is usually 'what a shame' or 'oh.' Apparently we're 'too young or 'not financially secure enough'...we're both 24 and working... I just wish people would let us make our own minds up, or at least respect our decision!

Thats exactly why we havent told people. I am waiting for those comments! xx
I've told a couple of close friends and one person at work that we are ttc. Only 1 of my mates asks me how we are getting on when i see her. I think the others have forgotten!!!
We would get: Oh it's about time!!! We've been together for nearly 8 years, I'm 29 and he's 30 next week lol. We just wanted to wait til we were ready (I'm ready he's still protesting that he's too young), we've built a house and I've passed my 2 year probationary period at work - I was just waiting for all that to be done first. Now it is done and I'm ready for a new addition.
We would get: Oh it's about time!!! We've been together for nearly 8 years, I'm 29 and he's 30 next week lol. We just wanted to wait til we were ready (I'm ready he's still protesting that he's too young), we've built a house and I've passed my 2 year probationary period at work - I was just waiting for all that to be done first. Now it is done and I'm ready for a new addition.

We've not had any of that although I'm 32 and he's 34. We've also been together nearly 8 years, have a house together etc too! I've been on at him for years for a baby but he's only just come round to the idea!
We haven't told anyone, apart from my doctors! I think my mum has a suspicion as I havent been drinking wine with our meals when we go over!

Thats why i like coming on here, so I can talk to people without having the pressure!

yeh that's why this forum is so great! iv been with my OH for 7 years and we have started getting the odd person asking over the past year or so. i dont get it, i dont think i would ever ask people that question, if they want you to know they are trying they will tell you :)

I saw an old family friend at a local carnival and he came right out and said, have you starting trying for a baby yet : I was a bit taken a back - I would never ask someone I hadnt seen for years that kind of question!
People have twigged on with me as up til about a year ago, if anyone asked if we were thinking about it I would say "NO WAY"!! I've only just come round to the idea of it and i think rather than coming round to it, my o/h has simply resigned himself to the fact lol.
ha! its great to hear everyones stories and situations :-)

Also makes me realise how lucky i am - my OH is more desperate for a baby than me! x
My best mate has just got back from holiday... she text me today to ask if there was any news. I just went on about what I'd been doing whilst she was away. She text again asking any news? It was only then that I twigged that she was asking if I was preggers yet!
Me and my OH haven't told anyone. To be honest we're getting enough pressure from my mother alone as it is. She is desperados to be a grandma. If you want proof, she calls my cats her grandchildren! lol. Now we've been married a year, neighbours, friends and work colleagues make comments, but we just shrug it off. I personally prefer not to say anything. OH's family don't really care if we have kids or not as his mum already is a grandma, and my mum will only go out and start buying baby stuff or nagging me about looking after myself.

At the end of the day, it's up to you who you tell, and us ladies are never good enough for MIL's little boys, It's been like that since the dawn of time. It might be better to get your OH to talk to her The news might have sounded better coming from him and maybe thats upset her straight away.

Just give it some time, soon enough she'll forget all about it, especially when she gets the news of a BFP.
thanks very much girls, i think i'm just going to ignore it, she can deal with it herself, i have myself to worry about - it might sound selfish (and i'm really not selfish, when i told her we were in ikea as i had taken her on a SATURDAY afternoon!! - ikea on a saturday is awful!) she'll just have to get over it lol! xx

Just read the whole thread and saw this reply to someones post. reminds me of a saturday when me and my OH first got together we went to IKEA with my mum and while walking through the kids section she said at the top of her voice "When are you and Daz going to have kids". I felt so sorry for him, we had only been together 2 weeks. 9 years later and we are finally taking the babymaking ting seriously. That was on a Saturday afternoon too.
the MIL comment is so true!! That is my biggest battle! x

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