Disgusting - Im Sorri in Advance

Over washing can lead to bacterial vaginosis. You need *some* of the bacterial there to keep a healthy balance. I am guilty of over washing and have had BV too many times.....you'll need antibiotics if it's BV. Another very attractive late pregnancy treat can be vulval varicosities or varicose veins of the vagina.....yes....nice huh! The weight of the baby can cause them and a puffy foo foo is the symptom. I wouldnt be too worried but I'd ring the MW tomorrow morning. :D

I had BV in early pregnancy. I got prescribed this gel that you had to insert with an applicator which cleared it up.

They need to swab you first to see if you have it, but it's worth going to the docs just to make sure

Can I ask was it green/yellowish and really foul smelling - did it come out in big lumpy things - sorri xx

It didn't smell great, it has to be said. My doctor (who is a man) took the swab and said "there is definitely some kind of infection going on there" so it obviously looked minging as well. There was lots of discharge too :( I don't recall lumps of discharge. But if it smells bad then it sounds like an infection. Definitely go to your GP and get it checked out.

I did ring but its a man today and I know him - jus dont fancy him fiddling at me bits - wonder would i be okay till i see the midwife tommorrow

I'm sure you'll be ok, just be uncomfortable that's all. I was infected for about 2 months before I finally got my act together to get tested. The only problem is that your midwife may not be able to prescribe you what you need?
Well I bit the bullet and went to doctors, he was really nice as his own wife is due tommorrow - said that it sounds like a really bad dose of Thrush, he said not to panic as it cannot harm the baby and prescribed me more cream and a pessary. Said I am to mention this to midwife tommorrow if it is still there. This morning there is a bit but nothing major and no itchness so going just keep creaming today. Tried the pessary when I came home but couldnt get it in !! I am a bit nervous doing it may say to midwife tommorrow as she has offered before to put one in for me xx
Well I bit the bullet and went to doctors, he was really nice as his own wife is due tommorrow - said that it sounds like a really bad dose of Thrush, he said not to panic as it cannot harm the baby and prescribed me more cream and a pessary. Said I am to mention this to midwife tommorrow if it is still there. This morning there is a bit but nothing major and no itchness so going just keep creaming today. Tried the pessary when I came home but couldnt get it in !! I am a bit nervous doing it may say to midwife tommorrow as she has offered before to put one in for me xx

Glad you went to the docs hun xx
Feeling good bit better - going have shares in Canasten!!
glad u went doc hun. Hope this sorts it out for u x x
when it comes to thrush i have been lucky and havent had it but recently it started :(
How are you feeling today hun?

Hi hun, feeling better today had some more last night of the same nit jus as bad - went to midwife appt today and she was great said it sounded like THrush that maybe was there for a while but she did a swab taste and is sending this off just in case it needs to be treated will know Monday. Nothing today so far so fingers crossed. Thanks for asking xx

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