OMG!! was that my plug??!! (TMI)


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2010
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Just went to the loo after getting more pains and when I wiped there was looked like a huge pile of snot. Sorry if tmi. What is that? Could it be my plug? There was no blood and it was a yellowish colour.

It was different to any other cm I have had so far. It looked just like snot. Gross!!!

LOL... it sounds like it could have been a bit of it... many people term it as being rather "snot" like! I had bit of red in mine but everyone is different I guess. Some lose it gradually bit by bit. Some lose it all at once. You never know. How exciting though! Don't know if that was really any help at all lol xx
Yeah sounds like your plug. I think you can lose it weeks before you go into labour though x
I may phone the MW tomorrow to ask. I have my appointment on wednesday - is there anyway they will check?

yeah i'd phone just to put your mind at rest. You can lose your plug pretty early though compared to when you actually go into labour. I didn't lose my plug until after my 2nd sweep! Then my waters finally broke 9 days after my due date! my baby wanted to stay in the warm lol. she knew it was too cold out with all the snow at christmas! haha. xx
my baby wanted to stay in the warm lol. she knew it was too cold out with all the snow at christmas! haha. xx

Cute!! :D

I know it can be quite a while between losing the plug and labour, but seeing that just gave me a shock. It looked nasty! Lol! At least if anything does happen soon, I have had the steroids.

When my friend went into labour she said her plug was bright green, so at first she freaked out... But she went into labout then and there cause her little girl had stuck her foot through her cervix :/ lol x
she went into labout then and there cause her little girl had stuck her foot through her cervix :/ lol x

Ouch!! That sounds brutal! Lol! I would have been even more freaked out by bright green! Freaked enoigh by what I saw. Having to explain it to OH wasn't nice - don't think he will ever look at the female body the same way again! All sorts of horrors are being revealed to him! Lol!

Haha my OH hears too much info from me sometimes, it's funny though. I'm still to lose my plug, I'm really intrigued about what it looks like haha.

Ouch that does sound brutal, a foot through your cervix. X
yehh she got an infection at 29 weeks which made her uterus kinda shrink and squeeze in on itself if you know what i mean so her little girl was all squished up... she didnt think much of that and decided to stretch out for a bit more room causing mummy lots of pain! she was born at 29+6 cause obviously that kinda made my friend start to contract and dilate... wasnt anything they could do

and yehh im hoping i get a kinda normal looking plug... dont want any freaky green snot stuff :eek: lol oh would definitely be grossed out by that :p xx
Ouch! Hehe

Exciting stuff about your plug! I didn't lose mine till just before went into hospital (@ 33wks), but mine was more like a pinky discharge and there wasn't hardly any! X
This kind of looked like someone with a bad cold had sneezed on the tissue. Sorry for tmi!

OMG! Midwife just told me it would have been my plug and I am to keep an eye out for labour starting - especially given those pains I have been having! Didn't expect that! I know it could still be a couple of weeks but then again it may not be! Eeeek

That sounds exciting!! You are nearly full term! xx
Sheesh! Exciting stuff flopsy :) keep us all updated!! xx
:dance: Oh how exciting! Gross about the plug though :lol: I ain't looking forward to mine! x
Hey, this plug thing still makes my tummy turn... xxxxx
Yer I lost little bits of my plug a week or so b4 I went in to labor, snot like u described then some times id wipe n it was stringy sticky haha

then on the night I woke up with contractions in established labor I went loo n it just fell out, I was shocked how big it was for me hahaha

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