*****December 2015 Mummies*****

Good luck tomorrow. My first appt is with the gp and not till next Thursday. It's feeling like its gonna be a long 8 months from here!!! X x
Hi ladies, I think I feel ok joining December mummies now. I got my BFP on Saturday. I am now 15dpo. After a miscarriage in Oct 2013 and taking 15 cycles to finally become pregnant, as you can imagine I am terrified!

Did another frer today and got an amazing line, so trying to be as positive as I can.

Hope you are all ok, I am sooo tired!! xx
Hi Lisa I had mc too Deffo feel more nervous this time round xx
Congrats on the BFP xxx
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Hi ladies! Lisa, unfortunately a few of us in here have experienced mc and losses :( fingers crossed we all have sticky beans :). Lottie, I was just about to post about having stretching pains. I never remember having them this early with my son. Hopefully it means we will have nice big healthy babies . Xx
Aww thank you, congrats to you too.
Is such a horrible feeling isn't it :(
We just all need to be positive.
I have been having stretchy pains too, another thing to scare us!! x
Welcome Lisa!!

Congratulations on your BFP.. Amazing news after your sad loss..

Like said above most of us have had losses here in Tri1 & especially in this December thread.

We all have eachother hey??

Have you worked out your EDD??

Aww thanks Emma, you are so kind.

EDD will be 28th December, my 30th birthday is on the 19th! I have always moaned about being a christmas baby as well lol!!! Oooops.

Yes we can all be a huge support to each other. xx
Hey ladies. That's a cracking line Lisa, no doubting that baby!!

I'm so sorry to hear about your previous losses, I've been very fortunate to have not experienced this, although my best friend miscarried a few weeks ago... I then had to tell her I was pregnant I've never felt more awful. Bless her she's been so supportive but I know It must be horrendous for her.

Positivity for sticky beans all round! Good luck in these early days everyone x x
I had a lot of stretching feeling when I was about 4 weeks. Now I just have severe nausea. Been to drs today and got some cyclizine which is an antisickness tablet hopefully that works x
That's what I have been put on for HG sickness as well hun - just makes me seriously tired!!

It seems to be working though :o)

Have you taken it yet - How you finding it??

I had a lot of stretching at first too but now it's sickness/nausea & sore boobs!!

Hows everyone feeling today?
Im in the worst mood, my first day back at work after 3 weeks off, Im mega jetlagged and so much shit to deal with :-( Im really not happy with my job at the moment but I want to try to stick it out until maternity leave.
The stress is getting more and more but its really not the best time to be job hunting.
My boobs are hurting and my uterus is feeling all stretchy or something, just a bad day. At least the nausea has eased.

I hope you all are having a better day than me! Sorry to whine!
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Hope you had a lovely break, I totally understand the work thing. I hate work at the minute and would love to look for something else but such bad timing. My thoughts are take the maternity leave, go back for the required 3 months and the. Job hunt for something totally different.

Hope your day gets better honey x x
yep Melissa, thats my plan too. Ive worked long and hard, I want my maternity leave! haha How long do you guys get in the UK? Its 16 weeks paid here in the Netherlands, then I think you can take up to a year unpaid. Im saving like mad so I can hopefully take the full year
Mine is 6 weeks at 90% than 12 weeks at 50%and then statutory maternity pay which is total pants until 9months. Last 3 months you can take unpaid. But different organisations have different policies. Mine is rubbish. I want to be able to take at least 7 months. Yep we are save save save too!!!

X x
I get 6weeks full pay, 33weeks of SMP & then unpaid for the rest.

I wont be returning to work here but I will work part-time around my Oh's hours so we don't need to pay for child care so early on. Ideally I would like to be at home & not working for 3-4 months before I go back part-time but we will see what happens when that time comes.

Sadly I have to go back full time. Same as I did with my daughter. In the biggest wage earner and couldn't afford our mortgage on oh's alone, let alone food and heating!! Haha. Hoping we can reevaluate and I can maybe drop a day but it's a pipe dream at the minute. But then child care is like a second mortgage anyway! Eugh. Totally feels like you get punished for working !!! Lol. X x x
Yep defo!!

My OH has his own business as a Personal Trainer & has recently started training some famous actors so he is the bringing a lot of money in plus I am an accountant so earn good money too but I am not happy in my job & travelling 2 hours there & back when I have a baby at home just isn't going to work.

Working part-time around OH's hours somewhere local would be perfect for me..

We will just have to see what happens & if we are lucky enough to get to that stage lol!!

That's what I have been put on for HG sickness as well hun - just makes me seriously tired!!

It seems to be working though :o)

Have you taken it yet - How you finding it??

I had a lot of stretching at first too but now it's sickness/nausea & sore boobs!!


Well I haven't been sick yet but it doesn't take away the nausea.

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