

New Member
Sep 6, 2007
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I am new to the forum, but have been doing some reading. Looks like a great place to be and a great place to come for support and to speak to others going through similar situations.

The reason i am here, me and my DH have been TTC since Feb 07. My last AF finished on July 31st. Generally my cycles last between 30-33 days. So my AF is now overdue. I have done a Clear Blue Digital Test this morning - although not FMU and it has come up BFN. I wondered, should I be using FMU, is it really important as I am past the date my AF was due?

I have been feeling slightly sick, and have been eating loads, and I feel different, had a few feelings in my stomach, and had convinced myself that i was pg. Then the test has come back BFN
:( I must say i do not have sore boobs, and am not going to the toilet any more than normal, but if i was pg, would it be too early to see any signs yet anyway?

I am just feeling confused at the moment. Should I do another test tomorrow first thing or wait another week or so?
Any advice appreciated.


and welcome. I don't rate the Clearblue digital tests, I here the cheaper ones like tescos are just as good.

Did you test your first wee of the morning?


ooops just read you did. It best to test FMU.

thanks for your response.

No it was mid morning, think I will do another tomorrow first thing.

I have also ordered some more, cheaper tests off ebay, so will try them too, hopefully they will be here tomorrow.

Thanks you all for you good wishes.

Thought i would update. I have done another Clear Blue Digital test first thing this morning and it was BFN again. Got some more, cheaper tests coming soon, so will give them a go, see what they say.

I just don't understand this, my cycles are always approx 31-33 days and i have never been this late before. I had convinced myself that i was pg, but now i'm starting to have my doubts.

The reason i think i am pg is because, my AF is overdue, I have been feeling sick the past couple of days, my stomach feels different, i feel bloated, I am slightly constipated-sorry if TMI, on a couple of occasions recently I had the shakes and had to eat straight away to feel better, I am not sleeping as well as i normally do.

I have convinced myself that this could all be related to being pg, but maybe I just want it too much and am reading too much into it.

Has anyone had this happen to them before? Is it possible these tests are giving me the wrong answer?

Thaks for reading.
Hiya all

Well did the other test yesterday and still BFN. Then late last night had some light brown spotting, very odd not had this before. This morning got my AF I think. Sorry if this is tmi, but i noticed it is a bright red colour, not noticed it being that bright before. I have got some pains in my stomach, but not my normal period pains. Thats whats so confusing, my stomach has felt odd for the last week or so, not how it normally feels before my AF and still feels odd now.

I can only assume i am not pg and that something has messed up my cycle, although have no clue what i could be!!!

Thanks for all your good wishes.

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