

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2011
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I had some bleeding last week, only when wiping, so went for an early scan monday, I was expecting to see bub and hb, as I thought I was 7 weeks. Couldn't see anything, so had internal and they only saw sac, no yolk. They took blood monday and today to compare, as they thought might not be as far along.
Got my results back and my hgc was 2200 on monday and 2800 today. They didn't say if that was good or not. Now got a 2nd scan next week wednesday to see whats happening. They should know then. Anybody else had this. I had convinced myself of the worst, and was expecting my hgc to have gone down. Now don't know what to think!
I've not experienced this, but didn't want to read and run. Hope everything works out for you xx
A rising HCG is usually considered a good thing isn't it?? Are you sure your dates are right? You could just be earlier than you think? Good luck. xxx
Hi There,
Ive had this so i know how your feeling. I had bleeding when i was wiping which started 3 weeks ago and was off and on but only when wiping, i know this sounds a bit gross but mine was a peach colour. I had an early scan when i thought i was 6 weeks (from the last period) and they dated me at 5 and only saw a tiny sac. Ive since been back weekly and my sac got bigger but still nothing, anyway 3 weeks later and another internal scan and they found the yolk sac and baby and again dated me at 5.5 weeks which i dont quite think is right but hey. I guess what im trying to say is keep positive as i was in your shoes and all of a sudden in the space of a week i went from an empty sac to a baby. Its could just be hiding or lying low on your sac. Im back again monday as they want to hear a heartbeat but you do what you need to do so your sure and dont be forced into any decisions, id aslo been told that it might of been a blighted ovum because they couldnt see anything at the same number of weeks as you. Keep your chin up and i hope you get the news you want, it sure is an emotional rollercoaster! xxx
A midwife or your gp could probably give you the best explanation hunny. Hope everything is ok xxxxxxxxxxx
A midwife or your gp could probably give you the best explanation hunny. Hope everything is ok xxxxxxxxxxx

Indeed - or call your EPU back and see what they say? (they probably won't see you until your designated scan date though - unless anything changes before then!)

Fingers, toes and everything crossed for you OP

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hcg levels if its all ok should double in 48 hrs, last yr i had a scan at 6wk 6day saw baby but no yolk sac, my hcg levels went from 1600 tobout 1800 in 48 hrs, the midwife classed this as a threatened mc. had another scan baby was found but lost it a week later

this time round i had scan at 6wks 3 days only saw sac, no baby or yolk sac didnt do bloods, 2 wks later found everything and heartbeat

its all just a waiting game
Thank you to everyone. They wont give me any information, not till they see me next week. They did think it was a blighted ovum, or that I was earlier then I thought. I am hoping next week they find something, I find waiting is the hardest, just trying to keep busy, so the time goes quickly.
Say thats what they said to me that mine was a blighted ovum and a week later i saw something. I know its hard but you really have to stay positive and i know when people tell you too it is hard, but ive been in your shoes. Just take it one day at a time and your scan will be here before you know it. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!


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