Scan at 5 weeks and no yolk sac - is this normal?

Hi Ladies! Just had a call from the hospital with the latest HCG levels.
Tuesday they were 3954 and today (thurs) they are 6866.
Thats good isn't it?
Well they've booked me in for another scan next Friday so hopefully we'll be able to see something then!:)
That hcg looks very promising Sarah, :) yey. Fingers crossed for your scan!! Xx
wonderful - double HCG is just what you want! fingers crossed for next scan for both of us xxx
Great levels, I hope all goes well at your next scan xx
That's great news sarah, sounds like everything is just as it should be! :D good luck for next scan hun xx
wonderful - double HCG is just what you want! fingers crossed for next scan for both of us xxx

Thanks Kayos! When did you say your next scan was? BIG crossed fingers
for you too hun xxx:hugs:
Mines on Tuesday 14th, 8.30am. can't wait xxx
Hi Sarahstar, I'm kinda in the same boat, I only discovered I was pregnant on tuesday, I've been suffering with bad cramps so went my docs fri to see if this was normal he sent me the hospital and they ran alsorts of tests. They said as they didn't think I was so far along they couldn't do a scan but my bloods came back fine. I'm 5 weeks pregnant but they've asked that I go back after 48 hrs to re-do blood tests to see if HCG has doubled. Fingers crossed it has, I'm back at the hospital tomorrow. Any info or advice is appreciated, I'm new to all this and really am worrying. Fingers crossed evrythings just fine with you xx
Hi Sarahstar, I'm kinda in the same boat, I only discovered I was pregnant on tuesday, I've been suffering with bad cramps so went my docs fri to see if this was normal he sent me the hospital and they ran alsorts of tests. They said as they didn't think I was so far along they couldn't do a scan but my bloods came back fine. I'm 5 weeks pregnant but they've asked that I go back after 48 hrs to re-do blood tests to see if HCG has doubled. Fingers crossed it has, I'm back at the hospital tomorrow. Any info or advice is appreciated, I'm new to all this and really am worrying. Fingers crossed evrythings just fine with you xx

Morning Cat! I know it's easier said than done but try not to worry too much!
The reason they tried to do a scan on me was that my dates were all over the place so they weren't sure if I was 4 or 14 weeks!!!!!I was due to travel so they needed to find out what was going on in there but I'm sure they wouldn't have even tried to scan me if they knew I was so early like you.
I'm afraid I can't really offer much advice at the moment other than to try and stay calm if you can. I know hospitals tend to make you think the worst but they have to see so many people that they have to be quite matter of fact about how they deal with you. Like you said, your first bloods came back fine so I'll keep my fingers crossed for a double result for you tomorrow. Keep us posted and good luck!!! xxx:hugs:
Hi Sarah, thanks for the reply. That's also my issue, I came off the pill in june and haven't had a period since july, so I'm also not 100% when I conceived. I went back for blood tests again today however with it being a sunday I have to call for the results in the morning as the lab was closed. If the results have doubled I'm pretty certain I'm 5 weeks, if my hcg hasn't increased by much or not at all I've been told there could be something wrong :-( I'm just praying they've almost doubled when I call in the morning. I asked for a scan but the doctors advised that they aren't able to give u a scan until your hcg is at least 1500 ... Its just a waiting game .. Xxx
Hi Sarah, thanks for the reply. That's also my issue, I came off the pill in june and haven't had a period since july, so I'm also not 100% when I conceived. I went back for blood tests again today however with it being a sunday I have to call for the results in the morning as the lab was closed. If the results have doubled I'm pretty certain I'm 5 weeks, if my hcg hasn't increased by much or not at all I've been told there could be something wrong :-( I'm just praying they've almost doubled when I call in the morning. I asked for a scan but the doctors advised that they aren't able to give u a scan until your hcg is at least 1500 ... Its just a waiting game .. Xxx

Morning Cat! Yep, sounds familiar - came off the pill in September and no peroid since October! I've got everything crossed for doubled numbers for you this morning my lovely, let us know how you get on xxx:pray:

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