Do I belong here?


New Member
Apr 1, 2011
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Hi ladies,

Im a newbie and not sure where I belong..... Im 6+6 today although I started bleeding on monday. I went up to EPU where I had a scan, they said that they could see the sac and yoke although could not see a heartbeat but it was to early too see it anyway.

Ive just stopped bleeding today and have no cramps nor am I passing any clots. Have a scan again monday morning at 11:15 so will know more then.

But for now Im at a loss as to where I should be in here, any ideas welcome.............

Yes, this is where you should be hun! Welcome to Tri 1. Sorry to hear about your bleeding but lots of ladies have it and go on to have happy and healthy babies so please try not to worry. Hope everything goes well at your next scan xxx

Im trying to keep positive, its a bit hard at times but wont do my self any favours by worrying!!

Congrats on your pregnancy as well!!!
Hi welcome to tri-1. Sorry to hear what you are going through sweetie, hope everything is ok on Monday, a few days can make a massive difference.
I went through the same thing abit earlier than you and went back a week later and the seen a fetal pole and a hb. Sending you massive :hugs: x x

congrats on your BFP and welcome to Tri-1. And as others have said try not to worry your head too much about bleeding until you know exactly what is going on. Bleeding is quite common in normal pregnancies.

:) xx
Welcome to tri 1, sorry to hear you was bleeding but like the others said it's not always a bad thing, hope it all works out for you x
welcome to tri-1 hun!

sorry to hear you were bleeding. If it makes you feel any better, I had bleeding for ages at about 5 weeks, and after that I get an occasional bleed now and again. I had a few scans and the doctors say it's nothing to worry about!

hope your scan goes well xx

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