
I've had the news we were dreading pregnancy for some reason has failed :(

But it gets more complicated. It seems that the gestational sack had chosen to plant itself right on the corner of the horn and uterus (the thinest part of the uterus), there was a term the doctors kept using for it but I can't remember it right now.

So this leaves a dilema. They woul prefer it if my body realised that nothing was there and got on with what should happen naturally, where as if they have to do it medically they will have to remove a tube and part of the uterus.

My hormone levels are still rising and now way above the rate that they would consider giving Methatrexate to start things off.

I've been told to go back in a week/10 days for another scan and more decisions to be made then...........


Here's my dilema. We are due to go on holiday tomorrow to Scotland. We only have one holiday per year and this is it.

Doctors have said that it's not the travelling thats an issue, it's just that IF I start to miscarry and the uterus ruptured I'd be in a remote area needing to get to hospital quick.

But the doctors don't want to see me til next week anyway.

I soooo want to go away, we've had a crappy year - need a break more than ever now.
I'm so so sorry to read this hun, my thoughts are with you :hugs:
Ohh hun, Im so sorry to hear this.

My thoughts are with you xxx
I'm so sorry this has happened to you. Thinking of you honey.
I'd err on the side of caution and stay near a hospital. I know it's a complete bummer but I don't know if you'd enjoy the hol anyway knowing at the back of your mind something could go wrong. It's rubbish timing but keep yourself and your fertility safe xxxx
Im so sorry hun, thinking of you x :hugs:
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So sorry to hear this, hope u are ok.

Big hugs. xxxx
So so sorry to have read this. Thinking of you. I agree with SunnyGirl though. Don't think under circumstances you would enjoy holiday and better to stay close to hospital just in case somethingn happens naturally between now and your next appointment.

Stay safe.:hugs::hugs:
I am so sorry to read about what you are going through. I hope and Pray that things work out for you. I'm in 2 minds as to whether you should go abroad or not as I'm not quite sure what I would do in that situation.

Keep us updated hun, we're here for you :)

Hi lovely ladies - thank you so much for your kind words and support, it means so much to me xx

Well it's been a rollercoaster 48 hours, just after my last post I started getting very sharp pains around my belly button which just increased in volume.

So back to hospital and was admitted in case of rupturing.

Because of the inconclusive scans, pain and rising HCG and progesterone levels they dicide to do a key hole investigation yesterday morning to see exactly what was going on.

I was warned at this point if it was a corual attachment (on the corner of the uterus and tube) that they would have to not only take the tube away but also a section of the uterus and if that wasn't bad enough they also told me that in some cases the bleeding is so bad it has to be a hysterectomy...........

As I was about to go to theatre the surgeon came to see me and he was absolutely lovely. We talked about all the options, he understood my concerns and appreciated that at my age I need every chance to fulfill my dreams. I felt very confident in his abilties and he actually gave me a hug when he left!!

In the anthesthetic room the surgeon came in again and squeezed my hand just before they knocked me out and promised to come and tell me what had happened as soon as I was woken up.

True to his word he did!

I feel like the luckiest girl alive - the news was good. The pregnancy was not corual, it was in the uterus. It had failed many weeks ago and so they were able to do a D/C. He also had a good look (!!!!) at my uterus and ovaries and told me everything looked absolutely fine. In fact back on the ward I was shown the pitcures they took of my insides with the camera - weird.

So I came home last night and although a little sore and uncomfy, I'm fine. I have to go back to EPAU next week for blood tests to make sure things have settled. Curiously the doctor I saw said they are seeing a strangely high amount of failed pregnancies at the moment and asked me if I'd had any flu symptoms recently - I was absolutely off my feet for 10 days with flu in Decemeber. She said they are suspecting that alot of ladies have had swine flu and not realised and this may well account fo the unsual rise in numbers.

I did try and update you from the ward but my crappy Nokia phone wouldn't let me!!

As for my holiday, well the doctor we saw yesterday agreed that IF I felt ok, I should go as long as I take it easy, so tomorrow we're going up to Scotland to see friends and relax for a few days.

So I guess I'll be posting in TTC in a few weeks!!!
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Aww Cazza im glad you ok.

Have fun in Scotland, rest and relax :hugs:
I'm over the moon to hear that hunny!!! That went brilliantly! Have a great time in Scotland, heal, relax, get over things and we'll be waiting for you in TTC :hugs:
Really good to hear that things not as bad as 1st appeared. Look forward to meeting you in TTC eventually.

Enjoy your holiday and take time to relax.


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