COME ON you little WITCH!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2011
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Just wanted to rant im afraid.
How is it that some months u think ur preg and AF turns up unwanted.....
And then some months and many many MANY BFNs later u want AF to show up so u can start TTC agen duz she take AGES to ARRIVE!! Sweet jesus!!!!

This has happened to me two months now. RAAAAAAAAAA!!!
Ive always been 28/29....
But dec the little witch came on CD39
and this time im CD35 and still no sign.


AF can kiss my a*** :)

Rant over

Luv and baby dust to all.
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I completely empathise! This is our first month of trying and for the first time ever, my period is a week late and counting but test was negative. So irritated this has happened now. I want mine to get here so it can buggar off again!
Same!! usually 32-33 days and last month 39 and this month.....well I'm on cycle day 45 and still nothing!.....its so annoying!! If only we could have a machine to put on us to tell us exactly what our bodies are doing!!! I want so much for AF to turn up.....more so I can get back into control!!

Never thought I'de say this on here but I hope AF turns up sharpish for you :) xxxx
Lol thanx hunnies!!!

Its so super frustrating isnt it!?!?
Like us lot TTC isnt stressful enuf, our bodies have to play tricks on us too!!!
WELL fingers ups to my eggs, my ovaries and AF!!! Im guna go out n get tipsy tonite!!!!

(Whats the betting im ready to go out all glammed up and the WITCH turns up eh????)

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Very frustrating.....I'm doing the exact same this evening!! ;) xxx

Clink Clink!!!


Ahh Hun it's crap isn't it, stupid witch! After my little girl was stillborn on
September I've had a 39 and a 37 day cycle,currently day 35 of Cycle 3, have clomid ready for next cycle whenever it arrives!
Oh MrsL I am so sorry.

My AF was like this even did 149 days cycle.

2 years trying Kezzipea - we're in the same club that no0one wants to be in x x x
Omg hun. Ur little girl was stillborn???
Thats awful shug im so so sorry. ur very strong girly :(

Ah i know..... i cant believe weve been trying for 2 yrs. And still no better off now apart from more hurt cuz of losses. Sometimes life can be so cruel. I think sometimes wen i talk bout stuff over last couple yrs i feel im talkin bout some1 else.

Hopefully wen i go back for another app with specialist next month he will give me chlomid!!! (im also not ovulating at the moment!!! along with weird longer cycles)
Big bum hole.

Feel like ive gone back a step. Never mind tho im sure a date with mr southern comfort and lemo will cheer one up tonite :)

Yeah she was stillborn, I was 5 1/2 months pregnant, also had mc at 12 wreks in 2008 :-(
ah don't feel strong just somehow have to carry on don't we, I see you have lost 4 little angels god knows how that must feel!
2years tic, it's emotionally draining isn't it! All we want is what so many people take for granted! Really hope you get clomid, as well as stupid log cycles since having Ava,well 2 but i went back to my consultant and he said my body needed a little help so gave me clomid straight away I think of go mad if had to wait 2 years .I got 3 months worth and if no luck after that going to book a nice holiday and then maybe go for ivf when back,need a little plan of action to make us feel like we actually being constructive don't we (well I do ;-)
Enjoy mr southern comfort I have mr Daniels as I write lol xx
Fingers crossed for you for next month
MrsL84, so sorry to hear of you loss (hugs)

Kezzi, sweetie - that Dr's appointment can't come soon enough hey?? I hope the Dr can give you some answers and help you sort your cycle out!


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