Is it the witch?


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2012
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Just looking for some opinions.

So today I am 12 dpo. When I wiped this morning there was some faint pinkish spotting through clear cm. sorry tmi!

Each time I've gone to the loo, same thing. Sore bbs and mild cramping.

Did predictor ER test first thing this am and bfn!

But my period is not really due till at least Tuesday. For the past few months my period has ranged between 30 and 37 days! Last month was 37 and month before was 35....

So I don't know if this spotting is the witch or implantation! I think it's the old bag :witch2:

I'm on cycle day 29.

So guessing I'm out this month. Xx

This could be implantation spotting?!

good luck and hope it is

If your not due till Tuesday you still have a really good chance! Do you normally get spotting before a period?
I think it was you I said this to in another thread - on my clear blue digital pregnancy tests it says 55% of pregnant woman get a positive 4 days before they're due, 86% 3 days before, 97% 2 days before and 98% 1 day before - obviously that's for the clear blue ones but I'd think the main brands are pretty much the same. Really wishing you luck, hope it turns out to be a BFP!! X
Fx but doubtful.

That said I did get implantation spotting with my first baby 4 years ago! At the time I thought it was my period and was in a rage as I was going on holiday. I had also done a preg test and bfn. The came back my hol 2 weeks later and bfp!

Nah it's the witch this time....I don't feel that lucky. It's our first month of ttc.

Thanks Lovely.

I do get spotting before period normally day before. But not had a 30 day period in months. These past few months have been at least 33 days-37 days.

After baby Was one i got had a 28 day cycle for 6 months and then it's gradually got longer. I've been having these longer cycles now for at least over a year. Before having baby never really had regular cycle.

But my heart is telling me it's my period.
sounds about the right time for implantation bleeding, fingers crossed!
It really depends! I think I am quite special as I didn't get a positive digi 1 day before so I must be in that 2%. Only got the faintest of lines 1 day late and a decent line 14dpo/2 days late.

Fingers crossed for you hun! X

Thanks all. Just been to loo and it's still same, virtually nothing, but still pinkish mixed with tiny bit of cm.
Hope it's not af
I had tiny bit of bright red spotting 10 dpo, and am now 19 dpo, I've had negative results. Since yesterday I have had a very very faint period, almost non existent. This is unusual for me as I usually have 2 or three days of really heav bleeding before it calms down. I just don't know what to think, Is it af ?
Ok to me this sounds like its a bit too late for implantation bleeding. However you can get what is known as 'breakthrough' bleeding. This is a light bleed that usually happens around the time a woman would get her usually period, and can occur for the first 3 months of pregnancy. Which is why sometimes women can be pregnant without realising, especially if they havent been ttc!

So hopefully this odd bleeding is breakthrough bleeding.....or really late implantation bleeding x x x
Morning Ladies

Well think its defo the witch. Woken up this morning to red blood and cramps. Oh well...

On the positives. This was our first month of trying. I was worrying I wasn't ovulating and managed to get my peak on cbfm. And hopefully this means my periods are going to start sticking to a regularise cycle! Oh and going for a spa day with friends, so I can now have that glass of bubbly that's included!!
Aw sorry :-( like you say hopefully your body is adjusting back to a proper cycle again. I've had 3 periods since coming off the pill - first two were like I'd never come off it (no cramp etc like I used to have), but the last one was defo a 'real' period again!! Cramps, emotional, the lot! So it made me think this is the proper start of the whole TTC now! Hopefully it's the same for you and fx for next month :-) x
Sorry to hear AF arrived. Enjoy your spa day x

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