Clomid girlies thread

Nope, no success for me again this month. Losing a bit of hope now.
Hi Ladies

I am on clomid for the 1st cycle but change to femara for 2nd cycle by my doctor as she mentioned clomid may not work on some people... Had blood test and came out fine just a bit low on vit D... Started my fertility pills 3days now really cant wait till Monday for my folicles scan.... fingers crossed and hope lots of baby dust this month for me!!!!!!!
Well seems this month 50mg didn't work, so I have to take provera to kick start a cycle again and I'm going to start on 100mg for my 3rd clomid cycle. xx
Nope, no success for me again this month. Losing a bit of hope now.

How many months on Clomid are you ? Baby dust x

Just started month 4. I'm responding well and ovulating each time, last month with two eggs. My tubes are fine and husbands sperm good. I worry there's problem implanting? I have had two miscarriages.
Hi Clare, I worry I have a similar issue, I think my progesterone is too low and stops the pregnancy from developing. If I get another bfp I'll be heading straight to my gp as she is sympathetic and I think she will do a blood test to check my levels and see if that is the issue. I've also had two mcs, we are being sent for mc testing, still awaiting the appointment.
How us everyone doing? I'm now 8 weeks since mc and still no AF so today I've picked up my drugs to induce a bleed so we can get started on clomid cycle 1. Woo.
Do you have any spotting in your 2ww Snowbee? I was put on progesterone from 1dpo and have to continue using it until week 13. Maybe worth discussing it with your gp? Xx
I don't spot and I barely bleed when I have af, but I still think my progesterone is not what it should be. I will question it more if I get another bfp. How are you doing unicorn?
I used to have spotting but it stopped when I started clomid. Progesterone levels have been really high and have sorted that issue.
Hope it's works straight away for you snowbee
I don't spot and I barely bleed when I have af, but I still think my progesterone is not what it should be. I will question it more if I get another bfp. How are you doing unicorn?

I'm great thank you snowbee, I had my second bloody tests back today and my levels have more than doubled, so it's unlikely to be an ectopic pregnancy (which I was concered about with only haing 1 tube) and I'm going back for my next scan on Friday, where they said with levels that high we may be able to see a heartbeat, so very excited :)
Loads of clomid baby dust to you all, I'm keeping your seat warm snowbee xx
That is super news unicorn! Hopefully you won't have to keep it warm for too long and we will all be there with you!
What cycle days did you ladies get your tracking scan on and how many did you have to have? I've just booked my scans in but they are closing over Christmas week and I have a feeling I'm going to need scans once they are closed.
I had mine anywhere between cycle day 10 and 12 and one was always enough to plan for ovulation! Are you having a HCG injection? Xx
I had mine on day 12 both cycles that I was scanned. Was no need for a further scan as mature follicles seen. Had progesterone blood test day 21 to confirm ovulation.
Great thanks ladies, mine are booked for days 9 & 12 but the lady I spoke to seemed doubtful we would see ov and thought I would need another scan, but day 12 is the last day they open before closing for Christmas (a week before what is all that about?! Stupid.). I have checked and there is a private scanning place not too far from here so if I do need more scan I have the option to go and pay for them there rather than just having to abandon the cycle. Fingers crossed my body responds how it should do and that all looks great on my two scan dates!
You would definitely see if follicles were maturing by day 12 snowbee, are you having a hcg injection following your scan? xx
Noone has mentioned it so I assume not. Nor is there any information in the ovulation induction package I was given about it being an option. Why is it better to have that? I may have to research this more.
Ohh also did anyone take cough syrup to help with CM? Which days did you take it?
I'm not sure it is better to have the injection tbh, but for some reason our consultant was all for it! I was only asking as that would make it more necessary to have the scan on a certain day, as oppossed to just seeing that everything is maturing as it should and then ovulating naturally! The month we conceived we had a scan on day 10 and saw a 18mm follicle on the left ovary and a 15mm follicle on the right ovary. We didn't have the injection that month and according to our dates I ovulated on the Tuesday or Wednesday after the scan.
I didn't use cough syrup but did use Yes Baby for at least a week leading up to the day we conceived.
Good luck xx

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