God I forgot about this!!! Am going to purchase some shares!!!
Right I keep forgetting this and I'm going rubbish :evil:

I think a sticky will remind us to check our portfolios :D
I haven't checked for ages and I must have been doing poo cos it says I'm not in the league anymore....again! :oops:
Sorry could you add me again? :pray: :oops:
Good idea though I would remember to check with the sticky there!
ive joined but i dunno how to get my id number thing, ill work it out haha
portfolio for: Robyn__ (User ID: 4074525)

thats two of the _
Im confused... doesn't say im in any legues (samandalice512 (User ID: 4045740)

if i need to be added again, would you be able to do this for me.... pplllleeeeaaasssseee :)
oo just seen this so thought id have a go seem to be pants at it though
id number is....4074865 and name is manda133
manda xx
Everone's added except sam&aice... it said you don't exist! :think:
i'm gonna be joining :-) I'm just waiting for email confirmation then will post that id number - is that all i need to do?
Urchin said:
Everone's added except sam&aice... it said you don't exist! :think:

odd. i can log in fine. (samandalice512) ??

ive made a new one:


but it hasn't told me my number :think:
edit- yes it has 4074922 :doh:
I can never seem to find the PF in the mini league not sure why? :?
Ekkk Urchin could you please add me again I accidently clicked the leave league button :oops:

User ID: 4066908

found it! haha im so dumb

portfolio for: trixxipaws (User ID: 4075815)
i get there in the end hehe

what do i do with it now?

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