~~~Daily Trivia Challenge~~~

PLEASE can we have questions about The Simpsons of Friends? I will win hands down no contest!

Better retract that statement so as not to embarrass myself when I get 4!
Sorry but all these questions of british history and politics suck!

Is there the option of popular culture or something so its on TV, film, Music, books etc??
When I chose the categories like that everyone hated the song lyrics ones, so I just changed it to General knowledge, then everyone hated the USA stuff, so I changed it to easy UK, then everyone said it was too easy, so I changed it to harder, now everyone is saying it's too hard.


I can put it on just Simpsons or Friends, but Simpsons and Friends every day would be a bit boring, especially if you're not a fan.
General Knowledge Trivia: Easy/Intermediate 3000 Select this pool
General Knowledge Trivia: Intermediate 3000 Select this pool
General Knowledge Trivia: Intermediate/Difficult 9000 Select this pool
Music Trivia Mix 3000 Select this pool
History & Geography 3000 Select this pool
Mixed Sports Trivia 5000 Select this pool
Bible Trivia 4000 Select this pool
Movie Trivia 4000 Select this pool
Science & Technology 2000 Select this pool
Hobbies 2000 Select this pool
Famous People 2000 Select this pool
The 1980s 900 Select this pool
The 1970s 900 Select this pool
Everything Baseball: Intermediate 3000 Select this pool
Everything Baseball: True Fans Only 7000 Select this pool

Australian Trivia: Easy - Intermediate 1000 Select this pool
Australian Trivia: Intermediate - Hard 1000 Select this pool
United Kingdom Trivia: Easy - Intermediate 3000 Select this pool
United Kingdom Trivia: Intermediate - Hard 5000 Select this pool
Those are the categories I have, everything else I have to do a search for, and there's literally THOUSANDS of catergories, for example, the "Friends" ones, there are "friends music," "friends season1" "friends episodes 1-12" Friends Questions A-G"

It's a pain cos there are just TOO many, cos people can add their own question pools.

I've just changed it again, to try and get a better range of UK questions, but that leaves out people like Emilia and Saulino who aren't from the UK. :(
Cat&Noah said:
Sorry but all these questions of british history and politics suck!

Is there the option of popular culture or something so its on TV, film, Music, books etc??

No there isn't sorry.
Right, have had another fiddle and these are the categories we now have

U.K. Specific 409
UK Music 348
'Friends' Episodes 52
'Friends' Mix- Average A-E 220
'Friends' Mix- Average Q-Z 274
'Friends' Quotes Mix- Average 73
UK Classic TV 30

The numbers next to it is the amount of questions in that catagory, in other words, there are only 30 classic TV questions, so we won't see many, if any from that question pool.

I think maybe before we were getting so many music ones cos there might have been 1000's in that pool.

I tried to get movies in there but it's a nightmare, instead of a cataory called "movie mix" or something, it's a list of THOUSANDS of moves, with questions for each :roll:

I hope this suits people better.
OMFG i really can't believe how badly I do at these quizzes, I guess majority of them aren't playing anymore....*takes herself off to sulk* :x
I am rubbish too Kina!

Just wanted to say thanks Urchin for doing this, and getting me addicted to this quiz, I have to come on here every day hehe. I guess it must take some doing to try and find something that will please everyone but I think you are doing a great job :D (though if you can find questions relating to the life and times of Beanie I would be at the top of the leaderboard then :wink: )
Yup thanks Urchin for setting this up :cheer:

Even though I am dismally bad and got 3/10 :rotfl:
Yeah thanks Urchin. I love doing the quiz every day when I turn on my computer! Dont mind if the questions are too tough coz I just guess! :think: But liking the friends questions :doh:
3/10....i just get worse lol!!!
I knew one answer today, the Stone Roses question (LOVE S.R!) all the others were guesses. NEver watched friends so they were complet guesses!
Oh I didnt realise their is a hall of fame at the end of each month of the top 5 players. Bugger Im on hiloday for the last couple of days of this month, I will prob miss to many days to have a chance to get in there :(
I got 2/10....so I have added some Simpsons and UK music and Tv Questions.

Oh, and I added a human reproduction set of questions too! :)
i cant believe how badly i did today :shock: :oops: :shock:
i got... 0/10 :wall: *hangs head in shame*
i dont wanna play anymore :shakehead:
I liked today's questions. Didnt do very well but I thought the level was about right!
The "Friends" questions get me every time ... I've never watched an episode ... give me Frasier instead!!

I got 10/10 once :cheer: :cheer:

I tend to do the quiz when I feed Oscar in the mornings ... only problem is that I have to use my left hand which is a bit slow ... argh!!

Good luck everyone - I'm totally addicted too!!

Emilia xx

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