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Hurray, our leagues finally showing up on my account now!
I'm a healthy 10 / 11! Whooo!

Is it not poss to see who other people have shares in?

i still have absolutely no idea what im doing :( xxx
I still wing it!!!
my fave shares are my robbie ones!!! Started off buying a few (like 50) when the price dropped, and now have lots!!!!

I wouldn't mind sharing my portfolio.... but i just make it up as i go along!!!!
I check the Daq diary and see what's going on in the celeb world, so who will be getting press coverage etc.

I love this game!! I've now climbed up to number 7! :dance:

And just noticed i'm worth 10666, and my profit is +6.66% :twisted: :twisted: lol

6th place, just sold some rubbish ones and spent out all my cash!
EEk I haven't even looked at mine for days, whoops :oops:
still dont know what im doing but ive moved up the ranks lol :oops: xxxx
rach said:
still dont know what im doing but ive moved up the ranks lol :oops: xxxx

most people will have moved up cos I've moved down to the bottom. :lol:
urchin thats a mean thing to take away my dream that maybe i was doing something right at last :rotfl: xxx
ok everyone help am i better having a few shares in lots of ppl or ploughing all my money into just a few????
Personally, I buy shares in 1 person.
I buy someone in the top 5 'movers and losers' list, then check quite regularly to see how their doing. As soon as they start to drop, I sell sell sell!!

I don't really bother with 'dividends' because I think you can make more if you buy and sell daily. But I'm still quite new too all of this so I might be wrong.
Seems to be working okay though as I'm 1st today :dance: :dance:

I Really should get on with some work!!
Am not sure if this is cheating but.......

Have just sold my shares in Pam Anderson now that her wedding is over and have 4k to invest. Is anyone willing to give me a top tip for a high flyer next week?

Go on, lets trade secrets! :D
I think i opened my can of whoopass too soon!!!
My Brad Pitt shares are falling... so's Kylie and madonna (hello new tour dates??!? - or did i make that up!?)
Although my Robbie Williams shares have gone up lots... yay!!
Just need everyone else to follow suit!

I haven't sold my pammie shares yet.... you think its best to sell them now??

i've got Davina shares, but i've been holding onto them for the dividends, and for when she has her bub!

Hayley, if you hang on to Pammie she's bound to get some coverage next week. I just panicked cause the price was falling and I've been burned before!

I have long term shares in Kylie (it's a loyalty thing, I'm such a fan), but they've fallen cause she had loads of covergae the ohter week when she did that interview?

Am liking Davina as a tip tho!

I think you couldn't go wrong this week with BB7 Dickie or Glynn :D
i'll share who i currently have shares in..... just find my celebdaq again!

Angelina Jolie - 5400 shares
Brad Pitt - 1000 Shares
Christina Agruilera - 101 Shares (soooo expensive!!)
Elton John - 11000 (he's always getting some kind of coverage!)
Justin Timberlake - 100 shares
Kylie - 23825 shares (i brought them at 5.02 - they're at 5.04 at the mo!)
Madonna - 70000 shares
Pamela Anderson - 2000 shares (if i sell them now will make £4500 profit)
Paul Mcartney - 42000 (big fan & lots of press coverage at the mo!)
Robbie Williams - 12048 (if i sold these, which i won't would make £28k!)
Davina - 11964 shares (never many divs but when she has bub!!!)
the Queen - 200 (she's doing some big thing this week??meh!)
Sharon Osbourne - 737 (am waiting for them to go up again before selling!)
Colin Farrell - 2000 - Drooooooool!
Steve Mclaren - 3000 Waiting for England style press coverage! (brought at £1!)
BB7 Pete - 2313 - BB7 getting ridiculous coverage!!!
Steven Gerrard - 8725 - Drrrrooooooolllll & England captain coverage!

Thats how i stand at the moment, but i'm not doing so good this week!!!

hmmmm dont know what im doing right but its got to be something ive made loads of money this week :D xxxxxx

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