
I have created an account - where do i find my id number?
Urchin could you add me again its xsuzx1982 User ID: 4066908

cheers :D
Urchin said:
Right I really need to rememeber to keep doing this, I just knocked Minxy off the top spot!

I'm going bloody well have you!!!! :twisted: :wink:
If new people join, please can you try and keep your celebdaq name as close to your username as you can, then we'll know who everyone is :)

Minxy... Bring it on ;)
Am I being think?!?!? (more than likely :roll: ) does it only show you the top 6 in the league?!?!?
i dont believe it my username has been taken! thats my unique name whose nicked it how very dare they?! im going to sulk for a bit :shakehead:
ok i settled for trixxipaws as someone stole my identity :roll:
what do i do now?
ooooo - i remember this - i have not been on for agesn - i cant remember my username or password hahahaha - will try and guess it :D :D
trixipaws said:
ok i settled for trixxipaws as someone stole my identity :roll:
what do i do now?

i need you id number, which is next to your anme on your portfolio. Then you can buy and sell shares in celebs and get payout depending on how much they are in the papers.

I have added everyone else, you'll appear in a day or so, look in "mini leagues"
Urchin said:
trixipaws said:
ok i settled for trixxipaws as someone stole my identity :roll:
what do i do now?

i need you id number, which is next to your anme on your portfolio. Then you can buy and sell shares in celebs and get payout depending on how much they are in the papers.

I have added everyone else, you'll appear in a day or so, look in "mini leagues"
theres no number on my portfolio. what am i doing wrong :?
Aww Sorry I never saw that Trixi, have you got a number yet?

I'm still top of the league, come on ladies anyone else wanna give it a go?
Everytime ive logged in mine comes up saying it cant find the PF in the mini league is it??? :? Or will i need to re do it again???
Mine says I'm in no mini leagues, but when I click it's there anyway.

Has anyone got any BB'ers still on their books??

Hiya all,

my ID number is 4069892, please add me to the mini-league...



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