:roll: right in front of me the whole time!!!!!!

portfolio for: monster_munch_rock (User ID: 4054696)

Thank you!
I'm already down about £30!!
(could have something to do with my 100 shares in David Beckham - just because he is fit...!!)
I dont really kno whats going on but

I bought shares in jordan and Emily

based on fact Jordans due her baby girl now n the bb thing?
Jordan was expensive LOL
yeah - it's only a bit of fun anyway - there's people on that site that take it WAY too seriously lol!
I joined ages ago but now it's saying I'm not in any leagues!
:cry: :cry:

Can I be added again? :pray:
user ID - 4045567
will add you again Jools, you do ned to go there once in a while or you get booted off :lol:
Becks&Riley said:
I dont really kno whats going on but

I bought shares in jordan and Emily

based on fact Jordans due her baby girl now n the bb thing?
Jordan was expensive LOL

lol i know i bought shares in her the other day for the same reason lol. but could only afford 1 or 2 and i had to sell justin timberlake to buy them!!!

I'm gradually earning back my money that DANIEL CRAIG cost me :x
haha bloody jordans losing me money
but any moment now ahaha

n she'll get me lots?

emilys gained me a few
I was going to buy some of Gordon Ransey - but he's so expensive, plus I reckoned his series will be over soon so they'll go down again.
Urchin said:
will add you again Jools, you do ned to go there once in a while or you get booted off :lol:

Thankyou :hug:
To be honest my husband always takes over anyway and loses me money! He gets obsessed with it so I doubt he'll leave it alone long enough to get booted off again! :lol:
I've got no idea what's the best thing to do so will probably be skint very soon!! :roll: anyhoo, my name is nickio and my I.D number is 4054895
Add me again please :D

xSuzx1982 (User ID: 4054908)

Right I really need to rememeber to keep doing this, I just knocked Minxy off the top spot!

Come on girls, and more people want to join?

YEah we need more people, and then you need to keep checking it! Our leagues suddenly gone tiny again!
Izzy said:
YEah we need more people, and then you need to keep checking it! Our leagues suddenly gone tiny again!

Maybe when we have less stickies like when BB finishes we can make this thread a sticky.

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