*!*!*!*!cbfm thread!*!*!*!*

Hey poppy,

How odd that your getting highs already. It could be that you'll get 5 or so days of highs before your peaks in which case it would still put you at cd11 when you get your peak? Obviously that's assuming your gonna have 4-5 days of highs.

How many did you have before? X x x
Last month I got my first high at cd10 until cd15 I think. I just remembered that it wasn't even my fmu... Hmm weird
tested again this morning at 12dpo as fed up of the cramps and was wondering if witch was pitching up early... got a very feint line :shock: wont be convinced until the :witch: is officially awl for a few days though
Ekk oh my god!! FX she stays away and that line gets stronger...ha I'm all excited for you! Lol...and breathe Emma....

Have you got pictures of test...I love line spotting! X x x
Ekk oh my god!! FX she stays away and that line gets stronger...ha I'm all excited for you! Lol...and breathe Emma....

Have you got pictures of test...I love line spotting! X x x

Im officially speechless, test pics over in 'Am i pregnant? ' I can see the lines but I just dont believe them!
Doesn't matter just seen pics definately see 2 lines on both tests! I didn't even have to squint and I'm on my mobile :bfp::yay::yay:

Are you gonna use a digi on testing day? x x
I know I'll just keep on using the SD and FR each day and hope those lines get darker rather than buying the CBD bad boy just yet.

I'm such a :poas:
haha me too. Its killing me now as i have nothing to pee on til the monitor asks for a stick! lol

I'd be running to the shop the day my af is due to get the digi!

oh and the lines dont line hunny, no mistake....ur up the duff! lol
hey mishi,

How you getting on with your monitor this month? I hope you see your peak early, before you go away for work. Its crap that you ov falls around the same time. Good luck it peaks before you go x x x

Hi Emma,

Monitor asked for first stick this morning (cd9) and as expected its showing low. I'm only going away for two days, so can dtd the day I go and the day I come back so will only miss one day - lets just hope it's not a peak day!

I know I posted in your other thread but congratulations again Scottie!

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Thanks Mishi, hope you start to see your highs soon and then of course a peak. If its only 36 hours between bd then that's not so bad and you can still catch so fx crossed. Tmi alert we last :bd: on cd12 and my first peak was cd15 (day of ov) so those :sperm: can hang around for a while.

My lines are getting stronger each day :D and :witch: is now officially awl. Had a little bleed yesterday but I'm coming around to te fact it's prob implantation or breakthrough as only once and no pain, and of course still got strong lines

Wanted to wish you lovely ladies lots and lots of :dust: and hope to see those :bfp: soon x
So CBFM showing high since Saturday morning (CD10,11,12) hoping for a peak around CD14/15, but got no peak in May so who knows?xx
Hello ladies,

I've been using my CBFM since jan I'm currently on cd5 and I'll be testing on 25th July

Best of luck xx
Hi ladies,

How are you all doing?

Poppy~ how are you getting on with your monitor, was the high reading a one off or have you seen your peak yet?

Mishi~ Your on cd13 now? So your should be seeing your peak in the next day or 2, have have my fx that it does as its suppose to and ov on time.....or maybe 3 days later, when your home?!

Clairabella~ welcome!! How are you getting on with your cbfm? How long have been using it? I've popped your name on the main thread page. Good luck to you and hope you get your BFP this month.

Babynumbertwo~woohoo your on your highs already! When do you expect your peak?

I'm cd10 also and showing low reading, if i have a cycle like last month i expect to see my peak on cd17&18. I know i keep banging on about it but i really do love the monitor!! I get my poas fix and have no line spotting stresses!

Good luck to all you lovely ladies.....hope we get another BFP this month! x x x
Hi Emma. I am now on cd15 and still having high readings not yet had a peak. I have been to the docs today and going back next week for my bloods to be done. I have ewcm today so I really hope I will get a peak soon!! X
Aww poppy try not to worry yourself too much, i'm sure its just the monitor trying to get use to you.

Are you using any other opks? Might be worth using them cheapies and seeing if you get a line. If it was me, as im so impatient, i would be peeing on cheapies and backing it up with cb digi...as well as using the monitor! lol

But as i say its more than likely just the monitor getting use to your body and your fluctuating hormones...its trying to figure out whats high and whats peak. I wouldnt be surprised if you dont get a peak this month but get it next month. As ive heard it can take upto 2 cycle to 'know' you.

I've got my fingers crossed tho that you get your peak tomorrow x x
Well i've gone from a brilliant cycle last month...to crap this month.

Monitor asked for first stick cd9, showed low and has showed low each day up until today...popped a stick in expecting to see low or possibly high but nope....

....glearing back up at me was a peak reading! I nearly died of shock. I dont mind ov'ing early and im glad i was using the monitor to be honest, but i really thought my body had sorted itself out as i've had 3 cycles all have been either 31 or 32 days.

Now it would appear im going to have a 25-26 day cycle :( which is upsetting as it would appear i'm back where i started.

How are you all getting on? I'm cd17 today and just got a peak woohoo!!!! I know what I will be upto this weekend!! X
Hahaha yay poppy, your first peak! I'm sure your fella won't know what hit him! I'm not too bad, a little confused as to why the monitor zen. From low straight to peak. But at least it caught it right!

I'm cd13 and got another peak this morning. So hopefully I'll get a high or low tomorrow and I'll be in my tww.

I'm only a day in front so we can bug each other with our tww symptoms! Lol

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