Cbd versus cb plus


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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Hey ladies...help me out here please!

Ok so most of you know I got what we (the royal we) all think is a BFP after testing on EC on thurs, CB plus yesterday and today I did a fmu on a CBD as well as another Cb plus!

Ok so......


CB Plus another albeit faint line but def showing a cross there with the horizontal line much broarder than yesterday but very very faint...cant tell if its gone grey or just very light blue!

Going to do another EC next pee but I also did one last night and it came up faint +!

So what do I believe?

Im going NUTS wondering if AF is going to turn up at some point now, or if I am pregnant and just not enough HGC atm!

Sorry to be hijacking the boards AGAIN with my whinging but I really dont know what to think or believe!

Heres a pic of....

EC taken on Thurs

CB Plus taken yesterday

Cb Plus taken today
And yesterday and todays CB plus results!

What do yous think......I scared now that this is just not real!



  • Last two days Hpt .jpg
    Last two days Hpt .jpg
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Hey hon, I wouldn't worry yet - lots of people get early negatives on the digis - I tend to get early positives on them but think thats unusual rather than the rule. the CBD is the most reliable test on the market because it's about the least sesnitive so wait a couple of days and do another one xxxx
I think clear blue digis are crap from what people have been saying! Why don't u try a first response one Hun? But sayin all that the clear blue one you have done today is def clearer than yesterdays and there is a definate line in there hun fx for u xxxx
I can see a line on the EC from thursday and then just on the last one CB plus, really does look like a line is coming. I would do another test on monday Wilma - hang in there XXX
Thanks Karen......I feel sick at the thought of it all going wrong.....I just want to know for def and was banking on the CBD to tell me! Only I will say is that when I opend the CBD it had a little great line (almost like what you see on an etchasketch) at the top of the result window so Im hoping it was just either too early or faulty!

Will test again tomorrow with the other CB plus I have!

Just peed on an EC but nothing showed but then I only peed just a couple of hours ago on CBD so maybe diluted!

God I feel like Im looking for every excuse to justify the lask of a defined and clear BFP but I cant help it!

I sooooo want this BFP!!!

Thanks Karen xxxx
Thanks KJ....Yes tbh a couple of friends have said CB arnt the best...but who knows what the best ones are!

And thanks....you def think its clearer.....I do I can see it while its sitting on my desk and dont have to squint lol so it must be right....right?? Lol I hope so!! xxx
Thanks JJ..............I will wait till monday for the next one as then that will be 3 days since Fri's first line on CB plus......ah this is so hard! Even when you get what looks like a BFP how do you know its right! Bloods will tell me right??xxx
Hope so for u wilma x have I had any other symptoms??? Xx :)
Well been having waves of nausia last few days....bit more tired, wanted citrus stuff oranges etc etc......had and having lots of twinges mainly on left side....like pulling from the inside....hard to explain sorry just something going on but cant say what!
Lots of CM every time I think OMG Ive started my period coz I feel wet....go to loo and its just CM overflo....creamy/ewcm at times!

Tender boobs around the sides.....
Im peeing lots more and I hardly drink to start with (I know I should drink more but I never hav drank lots all my life) Just been for pee about 15 mins ago and feeling like its filling up again as I type lol!
Metal taste only on left side of mouth tho!
Missed period!!! 4 days now!
Pink streak on Wed night when wiping then three small bits of brown discharge on thurs then no more spotting!
Dizziness especially yesterday......every time I simply moved my head from one direction to another!
Major headache yesterday too but ok so far today!

Other than that I cant say Ive had much else ..........
Blimey Wilma, thats plenty of symptoms! and as the AF hasn't arrived and 4 days late, it's looking good so far , hope you get your strong BFP line soon so you can relax and enjoy X
Yeah JJ .....tbh I do feel like its right and that I am pregnant...before I had coil in my AF was never late unless I was pregnant....and this contant feeling Ive got around uterus area suggests its the early sensations you feel when everything is stretching to accommadate baby etc....
The CBplus I did this morning is once again very faint and I think has faided a little since first taken but I hear this is sometimes normal.....but im just so scared....David is shooting all day so I havent text him saying CBD is BFN.....and I feel like Im going mad wondering if Im imagining it.....but then realitiy kicks in and I think hang on.....this is now the second cb plus Ive done where something has appeared when previous weeks Ive used them and got nothing at all....so Im thinking well there must be some level of HGC somewhere to have that slight faint line appear.....

And along with no AF, few symptoms I have etc Im pretty sure its right but I need someone else to be able to say YESSSSSSSS! lol
God Im such a whinge Im getting sick of hearing myself never mind you poor lovelys having to listen to me (Read) lol xxx
Dont know if you can see this here as clearly as I can at home but there is a definate cross on the second one...which looks like its the same width as the test line going horizontally through it just not as dark!
I would personally get a first response test or a digital one. I think you have lots of symptoms! :hug:
Hi RM...I did a CBD this morning and got a BFN! Got a broarder but still faint positive on another CB plus tho and also a very faint pos on EC.....suppose Im going to have to wait a couple more days and test again I think xxxx

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