Can't believe it's happened again


May 26, 2012
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After feeling extremely positive about my 2nd bfp on 6th Oct, I started bleeding lightly on 18th and by night time was bleeding heavily.

Went to A&E who took a normal pregnancy test despite me saying I'd just peed not 2 mins before they called me and the nurse/doctor who saw me came back into the room while the nurse was putting a vent into my arm telling her that it was pointless. She took it out as he said that I was "categorically not pregnant" and even though I tried to explain that the sample they just took was a tiny dribble of pee with a whole lot of blood he spoke to me like some idiot underage girl who had accidentally got pregnant.

He took blood and got another nurse to put in another vent and told me I'd need to wait for a few hours to get the results of the hormone levels. I ended up getting so upset that I think I shouted that I wanted my husband in the room now!

One of the blood tests hadn't been processed properly so they had to take blood from the other arm and made a massive mess of my hand, they collapsed 3 veins and the bruise is the full width of the hand. I've now got 7 sore bruised puncture marks on my hands/arms.

When they brought my husband in the guy who did all the talking before had changed his attitude but was still extremely rude and wanted to see the evidence of my positive pregnancy tests that I had in my phone (I'd mentioned it to him already) and he asked alot of questions about my period, symptoms etc etc. I ended up asking if they had indeed checked my test or the girl who had come in after me (she was very young and with her not much older looking mother) and then asked why he was treating me like some stupid girl instead of the mid 30's married woman who'd been deliberately trying for a baby?

He was shocked and then tried to wriggle out of things by saying that he wasn't accusing me of making it up which was exactly what he had been pushing at.

The hormone came back low but definatley pregnant and they sent me to the gyn department who did an internal scan and because I was just short of 6 weeks, couldn't see anything of substance to comment on.

I had to go back on monday for another blood test to check if it had increased.

On sunday I knew it was over but hoped and prayed it wasn't but something other than a clot fell from me and I knew it was the baby.

The blood test on monday was quick but took forever to come back due to an IT problem but confirmed that I had indeed miscarried.

So that's my 2nd miscarriage this year, 2 horrific incidents which I never wish on anyone. Doctors won't do any investigations as they need you to have 3 to justify the time and money to look into it. They've said that on average it takes 9 cycles to get pregnant!

I didn't know that but it was 3 for the 1st one and 9 for the 2nd. Hoping that I can try again in the next cycle but after the last mc, it took ages to know where it was as it kept moving.

I'm trying to stay positive and my family have been amazing, none moreso than my husband, he's been so good to me, suppose that's why I married him.

I know I'm having a good day today and not everyday will be this positive or calm but I'm determined to not let this stop me moving forward.

oh sweetheart, I am so so sorry. It's hard enough going through a mc without havign someone talk down to you like you are a child....

Take care of yourselves xxx
So sorry to here this. What an awful experience to go through. you can't believe some people get jobs in the care industry when they seem devoid of any compassion or empathy!

Look after yourselves, xxx
Oh that's awful. I'm so sorry that you've had such a terrible experience. :hug:

take care xxxx
I'm so sorry you've been treated so badly hun :( my thoughts are with you xxx
Oh honey! So sorry you have to go through this!! Take care of yourself and you hubby who seems likd a real rock!!! Xxxxx
so so sorry for your loss :(
The way you have been treated is dispicable :(
FX that everything works out soon for you hun xx
Realy sorry for ur losses I to have had 2 this yr 3 in 18 months I was told 3 mcs I went to doc he then tells me no I'm sorry it's 4!!! U wanted to wrap his head off the tossed!! Doctors have no compassion wat so ever well mine doesn't, I hope it does not take u long to catch again and that u get a super sticky xxxx
I'm so sorry for your loss hun, i've had 2 this year as well.. thankfully i've had a decent doc who has sent me for blood tests already xx big hugs to you xx
I am so sorry for your loss hon, I have had 2 this year as well and it is so hard.

Take care of yourself and I hope you get your super sticky bean very soon.

Lee-Ann xxx
I am so sorry you are going through this.
This country needs a better care for pg women esp early in the pregnancy and especially if you are bleeding.
I had a horrific experience in 2010 in a&e and i still shudder when i remember it.
Big hug

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Your story is awful :( thank God you have such an amazing partner. Some bloody Doctors and Nurses really shouldn't be in that kind of compassionate proffession, makes me sick!

My thoughts are with you x
So sorry for your losses and the way you were treated hun, sadly your experiences don't seem unusual, mine wasn't great either as the micwife and doctor argued in front of me after i'd been told of mmc, as to whose responsibility it was to prescribe me the meds for the procedure. Hope you find the strength to keep trying, sounds like you have a lot of support there xx
I'm so sorry for both your losses. What an awful way they treated you at such a sad time :( :hugs:
I'm sorry to hear this sweetie. I really am.

With my second loss the EPU told me not to come in (I was just over 5w and it happened over the weekend, by the time I called on Monday I was advised to only come in if I got a + on a hpt :shock:, the nurse I spoke to wasn't rude just realistic and there was nothing they could do)

I am sorry that on top of another loss you received such horrible care.

Please take some time for yourself and make sure you rest, eat and drink and get your head around this.

Fingers crossed when you feel ready that next time in your time darling

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so sorry for your loss, hopefully they where ashamed of themselves when you confronted them. They should not act like that to anyone regardless of age or circumstance its a terrible time xxx
thank you so much everyone, I'm now living in fear that when I get another bfp that I'll just miscarry. I've read some things on here that if you can get pregnant the doctors don't do anything i.e I won't get any help in trying to keep it sticking. I'm such a novice at this in the sense that I've not read about it, we just tried and got pregnant the 1st time in 3 months and the 2nd time I'd been reading about ovulation etc.

I'm doing my best to keep my spirits up and take care of myself. The bleeding seems to have stopped but I'm getting weird pains now so feeling pretty awful.

I'll be sure to check in and keep you all updated on what's happening next.

As if this isn't hard enough but to have to deal with staff like that is a joke. :hugs:
Can't believe they were doubting you were pregnant and asking for evidence from your phone! why would you bother going otherwise! (I only have experiance of a 12 week mmc and near bleeding to death in A&E i 2010, so had really amazing treatment without questions, they shouldn't treat any mc any different.

Fingers crossed your ttc for your bfp happens quickly for you and wishing you a super sticky one, and as for worrying, just take a day at a time after your bfp X
I had two MCs in a row (with in the past 12 months) and I'm now currently over 23 weeks. I remember the fear and the not knowing why and I was terrified it would happen again.

I really really hope you get a BFP very soon and it is a sticky bean.

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