Why can't I cope?


May 26, 2012
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Hi everyone,

My hubbie & I got married on 20th August 2011 and had already started ttc by that point. I got my positive test on 18th Nov 2011 when I already knew that I was pregnant. Blissfully happy that we had started a new life inside me and at 8 weeks, I had some uncomfortable but not alarming pains up the side of my belly.

The week before I'd told the midwife I'd been quite constipated so she said to up my fibre intake which I had done but only slightly. Apparently I'd increased too much and that was what the pain was. As a precaution they sent me for a scan on Friday 6th January.

There was my little pip on the screen - I knew it should be bigger than that but we had stuck with this name since finding out. Nothing bad was said and after being unable to see on a normal scan, they did an internal one.

As it was the early pregnancy unit I didn't think anything of the lack of enthusiasm that you'd normally get at a scan. They said they'd get me back the following week to check the progress of the fetus.

Friday 13th January, my husband came with me for moral support but he'd already voiced concerns over the size of the crl on the scan the week before as he'd read all the books and it should've been double that size but I stayed positive, afterall, mistakes are made with conception dates all the time.

A nightmare followed of being told that unfortunately the baby had stopped growing and when I questioned this - was it 100% that it had not progressed - was told they'd scan again in a week and then I'd have to choose IF they re-confirmed the non-progression as to how I'd proceed with the miscarriage.

So I was suffering a delayed miscarriage and had another week where people I worked with continually asked me if I was ok as I can't hide my emotions no matter how hard I try. I cried non stop, thinking of how I was carrying a tiny dead baby inside me.

Finally the friday came and despite being told that we would be taken 1st, we had to wait in the waiting room full of women cooing over their healthy scans and waited for what seemed an eternity. We were taken last and my beloved pip was just a blurry blob. The D&C was booked for that monday and in the early hours of sunday, I started to bleed and phoned nhs24 in a blind panic. The bleeding did subside but I can't even begin to describe the grief.

The actual miscarriage was horrific, they put the pessary and whatever else they did and I lay for hours with my wonderful hubbie at my side waiting to be taken for the op. I really needed the loo and the nurse helped me to the cubicle. Just as I was about to move, this huge thing flopped out of me into the bowl they'd put over the toilet. They assured me it was just blood but it was the same shape as the pregnancy sac from the scan and I won't lie, I screamed my head off.

I was taken in to surgery within a few minutes of that, still howling with grief and am sure they gave me the anesthetic just to quieten me down. The next thing I remember is coming round and picking up where I left off.

That's 4 months ago and we started to try again after I had had 2 full cycles after the miscarriage. All have been normal and regular apart from this last one, I was 14 days early and it was up there with the blood loss and pain of the miscarriage. I did test and no hormones present so definately not a miscarriage.

I can't seem to move on though, I stare longingly at other women who have their baby bumps or indeed babies. I'm scared to death that was my one and only chance and am still getting so emotional all the time with no warning or trigger.

How can I stop myself from getting so upset without warning and how can I move on from this awful experience?
Hi hon,

I would like to say that I know your pain as I have had 3 MMC's, my most recent one in March.

I still hate seeing pregnant women and new babies around as it almost kills me and makes me so sad that I do start to cry wishing it was me.

I promise you that it does get easier but it will take more than a few months for the pain to dull but it never really goes away.

Please try to be strong and my thoughts are with you and I wait to see a BFP announcement soon xxxx
Hiya I'm realy sorry to hear about loss its never easy ur one sounds identical to my 1st one last may it was horrific 3 weeks of scans and hoping and praying that sumhow they had got it wrong but they hadn't and I opted for medical managed as I was scared of the op but omg nothing preped me for wat I went through and it still didn't work and I had to have erpc anyways as was going away in a week to corfu and I had to get sorted asap anyways I did get over it in time and started ttc again and it took a whole year for us to get bfp again and a lovely scan at 6 weeks showed a healthy bean and a hb I was over the moon and had to bk at 9 weeks just to check all was ok and that day came and yet again my dotty as I nicknamed him/her was still a tiny dot and had only grown slightly and had no hb I was devastated and went for an erpc 5 days later I just cried and cried and do now daily this was 2 weeks ago and I don't feel its getting any easier this time I hate pregnant woman I can't talk about it I jyst cry thinking why me again its not fair :-( I want to start ttc again asap cos of my age 39 but my hcg levels are still realy high done a hpt again today and its still quite dark but slightly lighter than fridays one so I think its gonna be a while before I can start again,have u thought about counciling? I realy wish u all the luck in the world and hope u get ur bfp very soon and if ya need a chat just pm me take care xxxx
Hi carrieanne

I did a long post before but my mobile phone lost its internet connection & my message with it - argh

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I recently had a MMC and understand how devastating & traumatic it is. In the EGU while i was bleeding i could hear the nurses congratulating the person in the next cubicle....

I also find the sight of pregnant women hard to bear, especially ones wearing the 'baby on board' badges for public transport. When i lost my first baby i literally hated the sight of them for the first month but i worked thru that while chatting with a friend & realised it wasn't the women i was upset by, more what i didn't have

It's still v raw for me so i probably can't give much advice although i found doing a little memory box for my baby comforting and providing some closure - after that i felt there was nothing more i could do for my lost little one. However i've just been referred for some counselling and am happy to share any techniques/things i learn from that

My best wishes to you xxxx
Thanks guys, it's good to know that i'm not a total nut job!

I wish I could just put these feelings in a box and throw them away. Just when I think I've coped pretty well something ridiculous happens and I end up a snotty mess.

I've had counselling for this but to be honest the woman was awful - she only got me more upset and really put me off wanting to speak to someone professionally again.

I just want to be normal....

But thanks to everyone, I feel relieved that I'm not the only one which is how I felt. It's weird as before this, not one person I knew had ever experienced this and as soon as it happens to me, 4 of my friends are telling me all about their miscarriages.

speak to you all soon

Carrie xx
I'm so sorry you've bent through this and had such a bad experience since. I really hope you can find some peace with it, the pain gets easier to cope with, it really does but it takes a long time to heal xxx :hug:

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