Can't believe I'm back:-)

Oh dear! You poor thing! Have you been to get replacements?? They all look so gorgeous (and cheeky!!) in your photo:)
I really hope you can convince OH to ttc on your night away!!! And if you do, I really hope the Shettles Method works. I've also read that diet plays a huge part in swaying so perhaps change a few things now? subtly? I read that Cranberry Juice helps (makes it too acidic for boy swimmers) and Calc/Magnesium tablets but not sure how or why that helps.
Ps, finally got a ticker:dance:
8 months+4 weeks sounds so much better than 9months;-)
Logged on to the main website rather than Tapatalk to see your ticker :) Looking good baby maker :)

Went to get new glasses today and can't pick them up til 14th Sept :shock: nearly 2 whole weeks with no glasses, which means no driving and probably a permanent headache and nausea and feeling pretty rough today :( They are all so cheeky and have really been pushing my buttons the last few weeks. I am looking forward to school and nursery starting again for a bit of a break from all the fighting!!

Yes I have heard and read a few things about diet and I was heavily swaying boy with all of mine. So I am going to limit breakfast cereals and too much milk. I can easily skip breakfast which is meant to help, stopped drinking tea and drinking coffee instead. Apparently having an alcoholic drink regularly can help too, and I don't drink at all so will give that ago. I will take baby aspirin every 3 days as that is meant to help with alkalinity too. Also when to comes to my fertile window I will take allergy tablets as that can dry up the ewcm abit which favours girls as it makes it harder for the boys to swim to the egg the quickest. Then I will make sure I help hubby out a few times before using a sample of baby juice as that lowers sperm count which again favours girls somehow and just one attempt. So I have a few tricks I can do without changing too much.

Did you do much different between ttc your boy and your girl? XX
Wow Kanga, you have it sorted!!! lol! You have really done your homework. Sounds like a great plan;-) We started TTC our DS in January 2011 and I wasnt planning on loosing weight after xmas as we were ttc so I continued eating anything I wanted. I also think doggy style (sorry tmi lol!) swayed boy and we must've dtd on ov day.
Before we started ttc our 2nd I decided to loose some weight and get fit for the pregnancy. So I cut down on food (breakfast was the easiest one for me to cut down on so I literally had an apple for breakfast every day) went to the gym at least twice a week, and I drank cranberry juice throughout my fertile window as I sometimes get cystitis type symptoms after DTD. And knowing we'd be dtd a fair bit, I thought it best. Looking back I conceived on a Thurs and we had dtd on the tuesday. We also dtd on the Thurs (sticking to every other day) but I reckon it was the Tues batch that did it as my ov pain had gone by the time the Thurs swimmers would've got there. And it turned out to be a girl. No idea if it's just all coincidence or not. But you should defo give it a go.
That's really crap re your glasses! Are they specialised ones or could you get some temp ones from Boots off the shelf? xx
Oh wow thank you, definitely sounds like you swayed for both too. Sounds very promising for me to be able to sway for a girl.

Had another chat today with hubby and I'm not sure where I stand at the mo :( He is still dead set against having another one and doesn't understand why I want another one. As much as he loves all the boys, he already feels like having Alfie has been a real struggle for him as we never planned him as such :( He doesn't think I can have a girl and that I won't be happy with another boy. I know it would be tough to have a 4th boy but I think if I tried to have a girl then I know I've at least tried and if I get a boy then I will be happy still.

I tried asking him if there was anything I could do to help change his mind and he said he didn't :( I'm hoping it was just a bit of bad timing today as he is having a bit if a down day about not providing enough for us, men and their ego's!! So I'm going to try and make things easier for him at home and get the boys behaviour on track and see if his mood lifts and I can prove I can look after another child. Doesn't help that he is unsure of his new job at the moment so is a bit unhappy there. Why does it have to be so complicated? Or am I just being selfish for wanting a 4th when we already have 3 amazing boys?

Unfortunately I can't get off the shelf glasses as I have astigmatism of my eyes too, which means they are rugby ball shaped so everything is distorted and blurry. This is why my lens are taking so long to get. Me not being able to work isn't helping hubby either as he is always worrying about our finances and I will only get smp xx

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Hi Baby Maker! Your ticker looks great! This 8 months is going to fly by so quickly!! :dance:

Hi Kanga, sorry you OH is so against it, I was hoping his mind would slowly change toward yes :( It is hard because clearly you want another so badly but of course your family = you and OH so he has an equal say. This is really difficult. Is there any chance you may agree with him at some point or will you gently press for no 4 until he says yes? :hugs:

It sucks re potty training and glasses! ps. I also have astigmatism and I couldn't go without glasses for 2 weeks!! I would demand they sort you out sooner!

We had a very busy weekend hence my absence. DD goes nuts on weekend, I don't know where she gets all the energy from!! I am king of glad it' Monday lol xx
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You girls have some very good tips on gender swaying! Both OH and I really have no preference BUT i think it wouldn't hurt trying for a boy. If it works out, great but if it doesn't also great :D
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I was hoping he would have changed his mind even ever so slightly, but I feel like it really is a no go at the moment. I'm definitely not going to push for a surprise try in November now, as I have no idea how hubby will react. I am still really looking forward to our night away and getting some alone time with hubby.

I can see myself with just the 3 boys and sometimes feel like I will be completely happy. But there is this niggle of what if there. So I'm not sure if it will end with me agreeing with him or him agreeing with me. I have always said that me being 35 is my cut off for trying for another and I'm only 31 so still have a few more years to go. Maybe the wait will be good for us.

I suppose if I'm completely honest with myself I think a bigger age gap would be a bit easier to manage. There is nearly 4yrs between Harry and Alfie and I do find it much easier when I have just those 2 rather than all 3 as Harry and James fight so much. If I can wait til next July/August that would be a April baby. So Alfie would be nearly 3, James 4.5 and Harry nearly 7. So that would be 2 in school and Alfie in nursery. Plus it gives us both time think about how we both feel about another one.

I wasn't so desperate to gender sway early on as I assumed a girl was on the cards due to my family history. My grandma was 1 of 3 girls, my mum 1 of 3 girls. The my mum and aunts had 6 girls and 1 boy between them. My sister had a girl, my cousin had 2 girls at the time so just thought a girl was guaranteed. I wanted a boy for my 1st and with my 2nd I wasn't too fussed as I knew we would have a 3rd. So to have 3 boys I'm a massive anomaly in my family lol and was suck a shock for me as I never expected it at all. I really wish I didn't feel like this about it :( xx

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We are both 31 :D

Well since you say cut off is 35 that gives you about 3 years to work on hubby! And since this would be your last baby, having a bigger age gap could mean you having more quality time with the baby when all boys are at school and nursery.

Re. girl, what is OH's side like? I heard that it is the male that determines gender. HOWEVER when I was pregnant with DD everyone was telling me it would be a boy cause hubby's side is mostly boys but we got a girl. It just shows you that you get what you get and that is it! x
My hubby is 31 too :)

Yeah I agree a bigger age gap would be nicer for the quality time with baby :) and it would probably be less stressful than having a baby born next year. Just need to kick the broodiness aside for a bit lol

Hubby is an only child. His Grandad had a brother. His dad has a brother and a sister. His uncle had 4 boys and his aunt 1 boy. So heavily boys on his side. Gives me hope that you had a girl from a mostly boy family on your husbands side. I wish there was a way to see what your next baby would be, although that would take the excitement away xx

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If only kicking broodiness away was so easy... although for me it's enough to think back on the first month after labor, the pain and discomfort and I am totally cured. Goes without saying that I am trying to avoid thinking about it now :ignore:

I also am an only child. My mum has 2 sisters and 2 brothers, my father has a sister and most of my cousins are girls (there is 1 boy only). So maybe my genes are stronger than Oh's lol :D

It would be interesting if we got the chance to pick gender but yeah the surprise part it's a nice
touch :)
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Kanga, sorry your chat didnt go well:-( I find that my OH will say stuff he doesnt mean if he's in a bad mood. So for exp if the kids play up he might turn around and say "no way to a 3rd by the way!" but then the next day the kids might be angels (well, almost...) and he'll say "aww they're so cute - defo up for a 3rd!" So it sounds like your OH is similar and you just have to catch him in a great mood when the kids are all well behaved;-) easier said than done with 3 I'd imagine! I sometimes feel like I cant control my DS's behaviour (treating Clarks as a softplay area when trying on school shoes the other day... I was mortified and he just wouldnt listen to me!!) I agree with KHTW in that perhaps a bigger age gap would make it easier for both of you. The boys would be a bit older and hopefully not play up so much, and your OH would come round to the idea. And for you it could mean quality time with #4. Now, how to turn off broodiness:think: :wall2:
Khtw I wish that would help me, but I didn't feel that bad after Alfie, I was so lucky with him. I do remember it being really painful after James though and Harry was a section.

Babymaker my hubby is exactly like that. If the boys play up he throws out "and YOU want another one" I'm hoping once routine of school and nursery starts on Wednesday it will feel much better. I'm hoping once I get passed the next 2 months it might feel a bit better. As Alfie is 16m on the 10th and when Harry was 18m I was 4 weeks pregnant with James. Then I was 4 weeks pregnant on James' 1st birthday with Alfie. So need to get past the need to be pregnant because I was before kinda stage lol

My boys don't listen to me either and we're using the doctors as a race track earlier today running in circles around the seating area! I feel totally out of control with them too, especially James who is definitely in a horrible terrible 2 stage! xx

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ok so this is going to be crazy, but please indulge me :) Have either of you ever done the ring test for how many children you are going to have? Put your wedding ring on a strand of hair and hold over the palm of your hand. Stop the ring on the palm of your hand after each gender and keep going til it stops. Swings back and forth for a boy and round in a circle for a girl.

I have always put too much faith in it as it has been accurate for some many people I know. For me before Alfie it went boy (mmc), boy (Harry), boy (James), girl, girl. Probably why I was so sure Alfie was going to be a girl. Then once pregnant with Alfie it went boy, boy, boy, boy, girl, girl. Just done it now out of curiosity after the chemical pregnancy in a July and it now does 5 boys then 2 girls (so 3 boys and 2 mc). Seriously confused on it adding a boy every time!! Also wonder if the 2 girls will ever happen or if it will be twins as I am a fraternal twin and apparently as you get older the chance of twins gets higher aswell. Sorry for my ramblings xx
I haven't heard about this before! I think what I did do last pregnancy was dangle it over my pregnant belly but I don't remember what it did then...

Can you imagine if your forth was a twin girl pregnancy? Dream come true :love:

Ok so I just dangled it above my palm and after a few seconds it started turning in circles, it kept turning for a good few seconds, then stopped and started rocking back and forth for a few seconds and then came to a stop!! How freaky :D So this would mean 2 children? A girl (DD) and a boy? Well we will have to see if there is any truth to this :D Good fun tho! x
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OMG I never knew about this but it has totally freaked me out! I tried it twice and both time I got boy, girl, boy:shock: This should be interesting...
Kanga, omg twin girls would be amazing for you!!! 5 children though...;-)
And KHTW, maybe you'd get the boy and have one of each eek!
The other day I took DD for a walk and a blue butterfly suddenly flew in front of my face. I have never seen a blue butterfly before. It was beautiful! And this may sound strange but my instant thought was "omg, is this a sign I'm having a boy next?" Maybe that sounds pathetic but that was my first thought. lol! It was just so random and I'd never seen one quite like it before.
When pregnant with DD the bicarbonate of soda test came out girl but I didnt try it with DS as I didnt know about it. Not sure how accurate that is though. Have either of you tried it?xx
Wow same result twice! I am scare to try again lol :D
And you are not being silly about the butterfly, I believe in these things... sometimes you can just feel something, even if you can't name it :)

I did the soda test and remember it was not so clear. But I will be doing it again, given the chance :D
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I don't think I did the bicarb test with any of mine. I am quite spooked by the ring test seeming accurate for both of you so far too.
That is pretty cool about the blue butterfly, I do believe in those sort of things too.
Yeah I do freak out about twins and the fact it would be 5 kids but it would also be an incredible blessing :) I think my hubby would keel over lol xx

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Hi hope you don't mind me joining you? I'm hopefully going to start trying for baby number 3 in January as long as hubby still agrees X
Hi Mrs CW and welcome to the forum! Of course you can join us!

January is not too far away yay! x
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