Can I take anything OTC that is safe?


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2010
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Ive not slept atall since saturday getting desperate, is there anything im allowed to take? or am i stuck with it? :(
Benadryl is supposed to be as safe as you can get and although it isn't a sleeping tablet as such, it is supposed to cause drowsyness.

You should speak to a medical professional though really.

I personally might be more tempted to have a tot of something alcoholic as that normally knocks me out.
Go to your doctors, I would assume there's nothing you can take. Or atleast ask your pharmacist.
id be wary hun if it makes you drowsy whats it doing to baby! go chat to a dr or mw
some of the antihistamines may cause drowsiness for some people, but as someone with allergies, pharmacists really dont want to sell you any when pregnant. You need to see your GP. I had piriton prescribed with a strict instruction not to take it unless my face starts to swell. They're really not sure about it, they know the drowsiness affects the baby too, and theyre not sure how that impacts on their brain development.

Have you tired all the 'natural' ways? warm milk, calming music, reading a book instead of computer or tele to wind down... lavendar on your pillow is supposed to help sleep. I know all this seems so lame, I have had insomnia at times and it truly is torture. The best advice I had was to really preapare for bed. Have a bath or shower, get into comfy PJs slipper and dressing gown, make your warm milk or horlick or hot choc, and settle into bed with a book and your drink. It really helps making a big deal of going to bed instead of just waiting til youre really tired and falling into the bed.

Phoned my family nurse and asked her, She said theres nothing I can take, and to talk to someone about homeopathic stuff before trying it as some stuff is apparently bad during pregnant. (And i cant stand the smell of lavander!)

My mum bought me bubble bath with stuff in it thats supposed to be good for insomnia, so ive been having a bath in that before bed, and of course the horlicks! but not working, Ive been running round all day today again though so hopefully ill sleep.. though splodge has just started kicking!
chamomile tea is meant to really help,hot baths and lavender oil all though i have been told not to take hot baths when pregnant! :/ just a thought though
Managed a couple of hours sleep, Though it was more that I passed out on the couch from exhaustion Lol up again now though. Grr
chamomile tea is meant to really help,hot baths and lavender oil all though i have been told not to take hot baths when pregnant! :/ just a thought though

I have hot baths all the time. I also sleep on my back, or my right side, depending on how i can get comfy. I eat dippy eggs and have had about 5 glasses of wine through this pregnancy. Both baby and I are alive and well!!:dance:
Managed a couple of hours sleep, Though it was more that I passed out on the couch from exhaustion Lol up again now though. Grr

saw you posted at half 3 in the morning and thought uh-oh that cant be good! :hug: do you know whats waking you or is it just random awakeness when youre tired?
I would suggest a walk in the afternoon get some fresh air, sea air if you can always knocks me out x
ooh yeah sea air is amazing! Also chlorine. My sister had childhood insomnia and my mum used to take her to hang out in the swimming pool in the afternoons and shed sleep the whole night afterwards!
LOL Im not gonna drug myself up on chlorine! :P

As for being awake.. I just..stop sleeping. Lol Im not uncomfortable when I wake up, splodge isnt awake till I start moving again, and its quiet.. So i dont know.

Managed bout 12-2 , and the again 4-6, so I got 4 hours , will keep me going anyway.

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