Can contractions feel like a stitch? Updated... Early Labour (I hope)

:yay: I'm so excited

Come on baby bump mummy and daddy can't wait to meet you

evie she's 38 weeks
Just had a text from R

"She's still at home and knackered and still 10 minutes apart :("

Hope things speed up soon hun :hug:
Not liking this queue jumping! ;) All the best!! x
Dunno that I am exactly queue jumping Tasha... :cry: it all seems to have stopped!!

We phoned MW we know at 9.30pm as still 10 ish mins and not particularly good lengths, she said it sounded as though I still had a way to go, take some more paracetamol, have a bath and head to bed... as I had the TENS machine on by this point I decided against another bath, upped the TENS slightly and went, cos of the TENS it was a bit wierd but I last looked at the clock at 11 ish and then it was 1.15, got up and thought things had stopped but between 2 and 3 got going again every 5 mins lasting a good minute. Beginning to get quite painful again so hospital bag got taken to front door, DH left message on brothers answermachine to sort the dog out and everything has stopped.

Pip seems to be moving quite a bit, so don't know if it is due to his position not being right or what but now reluctant to go to lay down in case that caused it... the dog has been walked and I decided I was hungry so toast eaten... and apart from a few tightenings nothing more :wall2:

... I may go and have another bath... DH has gone back to bed :(
This happened to one of my friends but then the next evening (so tonight) it all started up again and delivered. Fingers crossed for you.
I had this for a week before labour kicked off - they said it was pre-labour. It was pretty blimmin convincing! I hope you get well rested and relaxed; so exciting! :hug: xx
R is off to the clinic this morning to see what's going on, she said things are 'somewhat similar to when she mc :('

I'm sure all is well hun, sometimes these babies take their time :hug:
Awww, bless her! I'd be fuming if that had happened to me! Something similar did last week, was getting painful BH so thought i'd get some sleep in case this was it, then it all stopped :-( Hope they pick up again soon xx
I think she is in slow labour - it so frustrating when it stops and starts - this happened with Rosie. I was exhausted by the time I came to go into full blown labour.

All the best R - hope they give yo a big sweep or something to get you going :hug: xx

'Baby ok, fully engaged, effaced and 1cm dilated. Given a good sweep and told to go home and sleep'

:yay: all sounding great hun :hug:
thanks girls :flower:
have managed a few hours sleep and feel better, I think my MW was rather worried about how sleep deprived I have got, so am staying away from the ball tonight as Pip is in the best position already. DH is just making me lunch of pancakes :cloud9:

no huge contractions as such but things definately niggly, apparently my uterus was rather irritable when she palpated (wasn't surprised as this was after she had dug not so gently :shock: anything would have been irritable.

And Mum seems to have develeoped a sixth sense and is threatening to come up, although in fairness Dad seems as bad and he is usually the more sensible of the 2 :wall2: DH fended her off last night and at 10am this morning she had phone the house phone, both mobiles and my brother to see if she was wanted!!
Honestly hun it shouldn't be that long but rest as much as you can for when labour kicks off, you'll never sleep through it so never worry :lol:

I'd say a weekend baby :yay:
^^ that is what I was thinking, at this point the ball won't make much difference, so am off for a clary sage bath instead with a mug of RLT :lol: and then an evening of chilling

I also forgot to put that the scarring doesn't seem to be causing a problem, MW couldn't feel it so hopefully it is on the bit that has gone (TMI sorry). am organised to see MW next Wednesday, but she didn't seem to think I would need it, but didn't get my hopes up over a weekend baby... I just need to figure out if having mum and dad to hand is a wase idea!!
Wow, how exciting!! Hope you have a nice relaxing evening. All the best!!

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