I have had 4 c-sections and now one reversal of sterilisation op, this week, which is the same as c-section, only no cut to utertus ,, no baby, and no painful contractions from bf and uterus contracting down.
All were elective due to a prev op, I had no choice, but I would say I found the second (2 yrs later) much easier than the first, which I found ok anyway, a year later ws a doddle, even with a 3 yr old and 13 mth old plus baby in tow. I think once you have had the first, you know what to expect, how to move , and how much you can push it as you kow how you recover. Also the tummy muscles have been cut before, so the nerve damage is done. I think depending on the gap between sections depends on the amount the nerve damage has recovered, less time seems better for me..
I found my one 2 years ago, after a 9 year gap , much harder, but was much older at 37, my others were at age 25,27 and 28, and I think that made a difference.
Def try to shower the same night, if your section is early morning, or next day, and gte moving. My third section they fitted a wound drain, ( the only one Iv'e had), and they left the catherter in for nearly 3 days, despite my protesting, (my prev surgery was bladder surgery, when I was 20), so they were playing it by the book. So I had to carry a bag of blood in one dressing gown pocket and a bag of wee in the other dressing gown pocket and baby in arms to get up!! but do push yourself, take all the pain releif they offer you while in hosp, you can reduce it at home as you need. Iv'e always gone shopping on way home too like someone else said.
I'm finding this op recovery hard this week, but I have 4 kids, inc a 2 year old (no baby mind) and I'm now 39! and hubby has no time off to help me this time. I was in morrisons on day 3 buying a thankyou chocs and flowers for my mate who had my son while hubby drove to collect me, but then on day 5 today, I walked to a local shop with son and pushchair, like an old lady. Oh and we have managed to have nookie on day 3 and day 5 as little bit desperate not to miss this months ttc!
Don't worry, and take a day at a time when you have your baby