Breech baby and possible c-section


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2011
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I'm 32 weeks today and baby is breech. I was told by my midwife that if lo was still breech at 36 weeks it's possible I will be having an elective c-section.

I was just wondering what everyone's experiences are. I've have an emergency c-section before but have heard that elective are so much better. I'm really scared!! Please help!!

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Fingers crossed baby will turn soon, sorry not had any c section so can't help there!
Hope LO moves for you hunny. A friend of mine LO was still breached a day before her presentation scan at 36 weeks and her LO turned just in time, finished crossed for you x x

I havent had a planned section but I hear really positive stories about them. To try and turn baby lots of movement is needed and drink lots of water so theres enough fluid for baby to spin in!swings and rocking chairs around supposed to help but I dunno if thats an old wives tale! The spinning babies website has lots of good ideas :flower:
my baby turned between my 32 and 36 week scan. only 5% of babies are still breech by their due date, so there is plenty of time.
at 36 week scan, they will discuss doing an ECV (external cefalic version) if you are still breech. this is usually carried out around 37 weeks at the hospital, and involves the consultant manually trying to turn baby.
it is only 50% effective, and completely your call, but if it saves a c section, might be worth thinking about
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I'm in the same position as u. My baby has been lay this way for at least 8 weeks. I've seen the mw today and have a Scan Friday morning where they'll confirm and discuss my options.

I'll defo be sayin no to evc so if it's a section then that's what I need to get my head round.

It's all quite upsetting though, just a feeling if disappointment.

But baby's are happy n healthy that's what's important...... I'm just the oven!!
My planned section was fantastic so relaxed and easy.
I was going out within a week.
i'll attempt to write more when i've finished feeding bubah
you still have loads of time for baby to turn hun - try not to worry too much. Get down on all fours and do like press ups where your chin is almost touching ground - this apparently helps baby to turn!

My baby was breech up til I reached 32wks. I didn't even notice it had turned when it did!
as most have said u have plenty of time for it to turn hun elf mummylooking forward seeing ur story a had emergency section nearly 7 years ago unexpected have actually forgot what was like now am booked for planned section would like here your story x
i had an elective c section and thought it was brilliant! didnt feel a thing, had fantastic doctors,nurses,midwives.

its just the unknown but just keep thinking what you will have at the end of it

would definatley have another :) x
Thank you ladies!

I guess I just want to be prepared really. I've been told by my midwife I won't be able to have an ECV as I have had a previous section.

Elf's mummy would love to hear about more about your experience!

Laura did you have a spinal? I've been told it's the best option and less painful than an epi but I'm terrified of needles!!

Is it wrong that part of me wants to have a section? Last time my labour didn't really get started and I was induced but after a couple of hours everything took a turn for the worst and ended up with the emergency section and I was terrified, I don't think I really dealt with everything that happened. I'm really struggling with childcare, I only trust hubby to look after our son and he will be with me, so will have to leave him with mum and I'm really not happy.
I really wanted a natural labour but am so scared it will go wrong, so part of me thinks it might be best all round is baby doesn't turn and I have to have an elective section?

I bet I sound awful :cry:sorry x
I dont think you sound bad at all, it's difficult. You do have plenty of time tho baby still moves regularly I think until a little later on.

I've spent quite a lot on hypnobirthing classes and time on techniques etc. I feel really positive about it and am still hoping baby will turn and I can have my home birth.

However if I get given a date for a section tomo after my scan then I would really have to focus on that (I'd still carry on practising all my techniques) but I dont want the uncertainty I'm not good in that kind of situation, So although I've not been through what you have I really understand where your comin from
ahh well i was secretly very relieved about having a section.

i had a spinal yeah and didn't feel a thing...the nurse was talking to me and i just kept focused and didn't even know it was done. im not to fond of needles either but i didnt see it so was fine.

they tryed to get me to have baby turned but i was very against it as i just thought this is how he wants to be and that's how its meant to be. turning them can also set off labour

when will you find out what happens? x

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