Breast feeding


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
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This might be a stupid question but how do you know when your breast is empty after feeding baby?
I've read books about breast feeding and they all say to offer the second breast after babies emptied the first breast but as a 1st time mum I just wondered how you can tell?

Any advise from you lovely ladies who have breast feed before I'd love to hear from you.
Thanks in advance.
I got told in hospital to just feed with one breast per feed whihc has worked for us although I can notice in the mornings the difference in size of breasts!! I just find that my breast feels soft and doesnt have any hard areas or ache. YOu can always try squeezing it to see if any milk comes out. I find that harry just takes what he wants and then pulls away so I dont worry about if it is drained or not!!
I've heard that sometimes baby pille away from the breast when it's empty. But I'm not sure either! We'll just have to try I guess!!:)
So if baby pulls away when your breast is empty, will he/she need more from the other? Will your breast drain out during a feed? I'd love to breastfeed if possible but it seems confusing lol x
I'm going to try to breastfeed, hopefully my boobs settle down cuz atm they are agony!

If the baby pulls away from one breast, try it on the other. If it latches then great, if not, I guess its not hungry. X

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Watch out for swallowing noises, they'll become less often as they get less and less milk :hug:
I put Noah to my first boob (usually start on my left one for some reason!) then just wait until he comes off himself. He's usually asleep at that point, so breastfeeding support woman told me to rouse him awake by changing his nappy. If he cries then he probably hasn't finished and I offer him my other boob.
My LO tends to fall asleep when she has finished one breast. If I go to burp her and she tries to latch onto anything like my thumb lol, I know she's still hungry and offer her the other.
Thanks ladies very helpful, just wondered if you can feel the difference in the breasts.
Thanks ladies very helpful, just wondered if you can feel the difference in the breasts.

Do you mean if you feel them, do they feel different if you don't feed on them?
Mine don't feel different if LO hasn't fed on them. I don't get any heavyness or anything. The switching of boobs is only encouraged so your milk supply is kept up in both of them as far as I'm aware :)
breast feeding sounds hard but its really easy once you can get past the first week or so... it feels strange having something suck on your nipples for 20 mins or more lol, i found that after the let down reflex, (which is where your breasts suddenly release a good strong flow of milk,) mybreast felt softer and also she tended to suck but didnt swallow, i would always offer other breast to ensure she was full up enough to go 2/3 hours till next feed. bear in mind that when the let down happens with the boob your feeding with the other boob will automatically start releasing milk so make sure your breast pad is on well or you will have a very very wet top lol, also when you havent fed for a while you will notice your boobs will hurt and will feel like you have pebbles under your skin (very lumpy) this usually tells you that the baby will be feeding soon...
last point would be to ensure you put lots of nipple cream on after every single feed in the beginning and dont let your nipples dry out... u will get sore and cracked if u dont.
and dont be surprised if u wake up with a soaking wet bed sometimes after your boobs explode milk while your sleeping lol... sounds stressful but its not i promise xxxx
and dont feel shy to feed in public ppeople eat sandwiches in the street and babies need their lunch too ;)

good luck and enjoy the experience xx
It actually disgusts me that you can have a picture of a crushed skull on Facebook but not a picture of someone breast feeding. I certainly won't be embarrassed to feed in public, it's one of the most natural things in the world x

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