Best bottle for feeding expressed breast milk?

learnt so much from this thread! people kept saying its best to bf exclusively for the first 4 weeks, but I wanted oh involved from week one really!. for the ladies who express in week one did you have to Wait a Couple of days for milk to come in, I'm clueless but isn't it colostrum at the start.

also a bit off track but can breast and formula be mixed?

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The reason it's best to exclusively bf if you for a wee while, is to prevent nipple confusion.
Also having ur LO on the breast is needed to help sort your supply.

You could get ur oh to do other things, such as bathing - feeding is only one part of what baby needs.
Haven't expressed yet but my sister has recommended tge medela
calma teets as they replicate the nipple and sucking motion although they're pretty pricey

Hi Verity - in your avatar pic, I notice you have an orange top on could it be used as a bf apron, I've been searching for something to use if I need to in bf in public/infront of family and that looks idea.

Sorry to hijack your thread Kirsty! xx
yeah i wouldnt really use a bottle in the first 6 weeks, i did due to lo not eating and getting increasingly sleepy and i couldnt stop once id started, ive been doing both since and now shes getting too lazy to feed from me properly as the bottle is less work for her. it means my supply isnt as good as it should be and i have to give formula aswell for most feeds now. atm she has booby breakfast, afternoon snack and evening meal or snack and bottles of formula for the rest of her feeds. you can express every 2 hrs for 20-30 mins ideally and nighttime is when you produce most so a good time to express :)
Great thread!! I've been thinking about this a lot too.

Does anyone with the medela swing know if you have to use medela bottles with it? I've bought one and think that's the only type of bottles that fit onto the pump. Wondering whether to pump into the medela bottle and decant into a different brand rather than having to buy the medela ones.

Also, should you stick to one brand of bottle or does baby not mind?

x x
I've just bought the tomee tippee ones that say they are the closest to breast but being my first I am just going to see how I go with them for one feed per day
I am going to buy a dr browns one a Medea calma one and then go from there. My plan is to introduce a bottle or try at least at the second week.
I will have to go rather fast back to work and I can't really risk that LO will not take a bottle.
Haven't expressed yet but my sister has recommended tge medela
calma teets as they replicate the nipple and sucking motion although they're pretty pricey

Hi Verity - in your avatar pic, I notice you have an orange top on could it be used as a bf apron, I've been searching for something to use if I need to in bf in public/infront of family and that looks idea.

Sorry to hijack your thread Kirsty! xx

Hi hon, It's actually a moby wrap - but this does have a bf position in it which looks very discreet and covers you and LO while allowing you to see their face. you then can wrap them back up. But it is primarily a wrap/sling. Quite a lot of the women on here have a good idea about bf aprons. I'm a bit let it all hang out so not the best to ask lol but the one time I've covered up (because of my friend's grandmother) I just used a muslin which actually did a fine job!
learnt so much from this thread! people kept saying its best to bf exclusively for the first 4 weeks, but I wanted oh involved from week one really!. for the ladies who express in week one did you have to Wait a Couple of days for milk to come in, I'm clueless but isn't it colostrum at the start.

also a bit off track but can breast and formula be mixed?

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

The reason it's best to exclusively bf if you for a wee while, is to prevent nipple confusion.
Also having ur LO on the breast is needed to help sort your supply.

You could get ur oh to do other things, such as bathing - feeding is only one part of what baby needs.

Lorna's right, it's because bottles have different shapes to nipples and are also way easier to get milk from so the baby's sucking completely changes with them. Once bf is well established the baby finds the transition easier. Apparently this is why the medela calma teets are good because they're actually very difficult to get milk out of (for example you can't tip it up and shake a drop out to test warmth) and the baby has to do the same sucking motion. But I'm not speaking from experience, have a couple on order in case I ever have to express...
learnt so much from this thread! people kept saying its best to bf exclusively for the first 4 weeks, but I wanted oh involved from week one really!. for the ladies who express in week one did you have to Wait a Couple of days for milk to come in, I'm clueless but isn't it colostrum at the start.

also a bit off track but can breast and formula be mixed?

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

The reason it's best to exclusively bf if you for a wee while, is to prevent nipple confusion.
Also having ur LO on the breast is needed to help sort your supply.

You could get ur oh to do other things, such as bathing - feeding is only one part of what baby needs.

Lorna's right, it's because bottles have different shapes to nipples and are also way easier to get milk from so the baby's sucking completely changes with them. Once bf is well established the baby finds the transition easier. Apparently this is why the medela calma teets are good because they're actually very difficult to get milk out of (for example you can't tip it up and shake a drop out to test warmth) and the baby has to do the same sucking motion. But I'm not speaking from experience, have a couple on order in case I ever have to express...

This is very helpful thanks :) it's handy to have so many knowledgeable ladies on here :) xx
learnt so much from this thread! people kept saying its best to bf exclusively for the first 4 weeks, but I wanted oh involved from week one really!. for the ladies who express in week one did you have to Wait a Couple of days for milk to come in, I'm clueless but isn't it colostrum at the start.

also a bit off track but can breast and formula be mixed?

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

The reason it's best to exclusively bf if you for a wee while, is to prevent nipple confusion.
Also having ur LO on the breast is needed to help sort your supply.

You could get ur oh to do other things, such as bathing - feeding is only one part of what baby needs.

Lorna's right, it's because bottles have different shapes to nipples and are also way easier to get milk from so the baby's sucking completely changes with them. Once bf is well established the baby finds the transition easier. Apparently this is why the medela calma teets are good because they're actually very difficult to get milk out of (for example you can't tip it up and shake a drop out to test warmth) and the baby has to do the same sucking motion. But I'm not speaking from experience, have a couple on order in case I ever have to express...

The TT closer to nature ones are the same - its a pain to test with them.
Breastflow are excellent for mimicing... well breast flow lol Oz always got on great with them until he rejected bottles altogether :wall2:

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