
How long do I have to exclusively breast feed before I can introduce a bottle? The thought of expressing really grosses me out but I don't mind the thought of breast feeding strangely

Wow a place that has 90% breast feeding! That's an amazing percentage! I hope they don't pressurise you.

I haven't actually been asked about what I intend to do regarding feeding!
How long do I have to exclusively breast feed before I can introduce a bottle? The thought of expressing really grosses me out but I don't mind the thought of breast feeding strangely

Wow a place that has 90% breast feeding! That's an amazing percentage! I hope they don't pressurise you.

I haven't actually been asked about what I intend to do regarding feeding!

At my class last week they said breasfeed for 6 weeks before expressing and bottle feeding. I'm quite pleased about this as my mother and mil are trying to convince me that baby should spend time away from me. This is a perfect excuse to keep her with me.

Emma x
I'm bottle-feeding! Like Lisa, the thought of Breastfeeding freaks me out!! I know they say breastfeeding is better for better but I bottle fed Lacey and she has no allergies and is hardly ever ill! I'm abit like you too, I've heard babies want feeding more often when being breast fed and at least when bottle feeding you know how much thier getting!! Do what you feel right, you could try it but if your not happy then bottle feed!! xx
i think they say 6 weeks before you mix as breastfeeding is harder for the baby to get hang of then bottle (same with dummy, wait 6 weeks) But i guess everyone is diferent and some take both fine while some would only go for bottle and not your breast.
I was told 8 weeks till mix feeds and a min of one month but pref two months till a dummy is introduced if your going to introduce one x

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Thanks for the info guys x the meal we've got booked is about 2 and a half weeks after edd so will see how it goes x the higher frequency feeding thing worries me as I have to do stuff like the school run x
Being honest Helen, I'm half and half about how to feed LO. With Jacob I breastfed for a month but he made me bleed, sore and used me as a soother!! I didn't get a bath without being shouted you need to come feed the baby or eat my dinner without him latched onto my nipple! I sound so bad posting this but Jacob was so much better on formula. I think I'm going to try again but I will be unsure until LO is born anyway I'll see how I feel about it again then. Xx
I had the same problem with Zander untill i got a lactation expert to come to the house then everything fell into place I was just attaching him wrong and e started to feed every 3-4 hrs xx

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I ended up bfing toby at 6 days out and about, have never been made to feel incomfortable and once you get the knack it is quite easy to be discrete. Toby feeds every few hours but I think the time spent would be similar to that of sterilising and making feeds up. We ended up giving a bottle earlier in the week cos he was obviously wanting more and a dummy to help the colic and I just find it more of a headache tbh. We went out for lunch with my family and we just asked for a table that was not in the middle of the restaurant x

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That's what I did when i was bf'ng when I switched to formula at 6months I was so upset x

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I definately will try it but if I feel it's better to switch to formula I'm not bothered about having to do that. There's so much like the pain, the frequency etc that worries me but I guess it's rarer to hear success stories rather than the horror stories x I do not want to use a dummy and I don't want to be used as one either but do all babies do this?
I am going to give it a go but I won't be working myself up if I don't manage it, I am not setting a time period on it, the first few weeks are apparently when all the best of the milk comes out so after that if I am not keen I will try and express or just use the formula
I feel a lot of the same anxieties but I really want to breastfeed as formula is just another added cost we could do without. I am so nervous about sore, leaky breasts and that baby will jsut want to be with me cos he will smell the milk. I do plan to express to allow hubby to bottlefeed but want to get the bf established first I just don't know
With Odhrán I had an open mind, I wanted to breastfeed but if it didn't happen, it didn't happen, Odhráns first feed was formula, but his next ones were breast.. Looking back, yes I should have persevered more, but at that moment in time, it felt right, for me to put Odhrán on formula.. At least I can say I tried.. It's up to you hun, and stand your ground :hug: you know what's right for you :hug: I admire all of the girls on here (Lisa and Lynn pop to mind because of their tickers) have been breastfeeding for ages.. I hope next time I am able to do it too xx
I also really admire everyone who manages to breast feed for long periods of time x guess the important part is to stay open minded and take it as it comes x thank you so much guys x you've all really helped me to be more calm about the situation x
I also really admire everyone who manages to breast feed for long periods of time x guess the important part is to stay open minded and take it as it comes x thank you so much guys x you've all really helped me to be more calm about the situation x

lols my consultant said 2 years is the optimum amount of time to breast feed apparently my face was a picture
I BF with DD but only managed for 6 weeks but intend on BF this baby too! Its def personal choice helen and dont feel bad if you choose to bottle feed your no worse a mother than anyone who Bf's but go with what your comfortable with Mrs....

My inlaws were a bit prudish about it so I used to leave the room at theirs to feed her but my family were fine with it.....will be trying to feed as long as possible again with this lo but if its not going well then will Bottle feed without a problem doing it xxx

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