Breast feeding mummys???


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May 17, 2012
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Im 21 and i had my little boy 9 weeks ago. I am exclusivly breast feeding him and i love it!
Its our special little bond.
How long are you planing on breast feeding for?
Why did you decide to breast feed?
What do your other halfs do to help?
As long as I can, aiming for a year when she can have cows milk, but dunno if that will work around returning to work.

My main reason for bf was the reduced risk of SIDS, as DH has a family history of it.

Daddy time is generally bath time, G goes in the big bath with daddy and loves it. He also does his fair share of bums - I joke I'd I'm doing the top end, he can have the other end.

I did plan to carry on til a year but had to give up at 4 months cos he couldn't tolerate it and is now in medicated formula :cry: gutted cos I loved it. O/h does contribute loads more now that l/o is bottle fed and it's definitely helped their bond, however I'd still prefer him to be ebf x
I plan to breastfeed for as long as possible, but probably won't do past 18 months. The main reason at first and you won't believe this was that I didn't realise people didn't. Show's I was an ignorant non-mother before. When I read the benefits before i gave birth it sealed my thoughts - the main ones being creating antibodies and selfishly the poo doesnt smell as much haha. I've found that it's probably easier too. I didn't think that was the case in the first few months, but now I can go out and not have to take anything, just get the milk mountains out.

My OH doesn't live in this country so doesn't do anything apart from wind me up :)
I wanted to bf as long as I could but I only managed 12 weeks and then my milk dried up. In some ways I'm proud of myself for doing it for even that short while and other ways I'm gutted I couldn't carry on as now I feel I would have had the confidence to bf in public. I decided to bf mainly cos I believe it's the best for LO, but also you get a nice bonding experience. And another reason was because its free!! Lol
The more I think about it the longer I think I could breastfeed for but I think about 2 would be my personal limit. I chose to do it because it's healthier for both of us, my first son had cold etc and been in A&E with a high temp by now. Also because I don't want to get out of bed at night, if you're lucky it's easier, and it's cheaper. What does OH do to help? Sweet FA if anything he makes it harder by interrupting us!
I love breast feeding and will carry on for at least a year, only thing that may stop me around then is I want another baby but it seems to be acting as a contraception for me just now so we'll see later in the year what happens.

Main reason i breast feed as it feels right and natural, wasn't choice for me I didn't see formula as an option unless I physically couldn't breast feed. I do find it very hard work at times as K still feeds like a newborn at 7 months so Im up a lot in the night. I know it won't last forever though.
I ebf aswell I love spending time with harry and bonding with him and when those big blue eyes look up at me my heart melts and I know I'l doing the right thing, it's been a hard journey and I've enjoyed succeeding at it (once we got the hang of it) I plan to go until about 8 months as I have to return to work and there is no way for me to express (I work in a kitchen) and I can't dissapear every 2-3 hours when I need to express so harry, plus I do want another baby when harry is a little older I'm gonna bf the next one aswell, I'm like sarah I was adamant I was going to bf because ff felt like failing to me (I'm the only one out of my husbands side of the family the bf and I'm proud I can) my hubby does bath time and changes his bum and plays with him when I need to do stuff
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I ebf until around 6.5 months! I loved it and do miss it. I love the bond LO and I have :)

Oh used to (and still does) bath and put LO to bed every night! This is there bonding time....she loves her bath times and he sings to her and she's sooooo cute! Bless xx
I was totally undecided until I had the baby and I was going to ff as I'd had a 4 day labour, my hospital left me with a starving baby so I did just what came naturally and here I am 4 (nearly 5) months later! The longer I've done it the more and more my attitudes changed and the longer I've been considering doing it. Tbh the reason I'd thought about it in the first place was because its the right way to feed a baby and the benefits, I've since read too much negative stuff about formula and I don't want my baby having it. All OHs family have ff so they talk like I should be but nothings been said directly and I know MIL is now wishing she'd bothered after seeing me with Tyler. My OH works away a lot so I do the brunt of the work but when he's home he'll cook me dinner and wash up etc to help out. It's tiring esp as Tyler is a night owl and this week has been up every hour for feeds.

From the moment I found out I was pregnant I knew I wanted to bf, plan on doing it till at least 6months, maybe more will just see how it goes. My OH puts baby to bed every night and will play with him if I have things to do.x

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